Chapter Five

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Fiore shut the book closed and set it on the desk next to her bed. She turned off the lamp on the desk and covered her self with the blanket as she shut her eyes and slowly fell asleep, she woke up a few hours later though.

She glanced at her clock, it was early morning. Which meant it was time for her to get ready to get on the bus and go to school.

Fiore got up and walked over to her desk, she grabbed the work she finished last night and put it in her book bag to give to the teachers when she got to school.

The girl also picked up her book off of her bed, it was her most favorite book out of her 5 favorite books, she had read it multiple times already and she thought this must be the sixth time.

She put the book in her book bag and zipped her book bag closed. She put it down on her bed to grab on her way to the bus.

On her way to the kitchen, she stopped. She didn't know if her mom was still home or if her mom had left for her next buissiness trip already. But she knew one thing for sure, she wasn't going to try to find out.

Backing away from the enterance to the kitchen, she slipped back in to her room and looked at the time again. It would be a few minutes to she went over to where she waited for the bus.

After about 10 minutes of waiting to go out to where she waited for the bus, 5 minutes of waiting for the bus, and a 25 minute bus ride, Fiore finally got to school.

Her and Austin walked to class, Austin was ranting about one of their classmates. Fiore wasn't really listening but let him rant anyways. She was wondering how she was gonna get through this class without dying of boredom.

Their Math Class teacher was always a bitch and Fiore HATED her. Fiore hated most of the teachers anyways though, so that wasn't unusual. Her and Austin were convinced most of their classmates also hated the teacher.

Her and Austin actually became friends over their hate of certain teachers. They were forced to work on a project together and Austin ended up ranting about the teachers, which Fiore happily joined in on.

Fiore was still right in her opinion and feelings were for weak people, but maybe she could allow herself to be weak around Austin and Nora. Neither of them had done anything to make her think they would betray her, so it was probably safe to trust them.

As the two walked, Fiore was snapped out of her thoughts when she felt Austin tap her shoulder. "Uhh...Fiore? I think someone is following us" he spoke.

"Is it Kade?" Fiore asked with an irritated tone.


Fiore sighed and turned around to face Kade. "What do you want?" she asked with an annoyed voice.

"Woah, no need to be so hostile" Kade shrugged as he spoke.

Fiore rolled her eyes. "Answer the question, Kade" She snapped.

"I wanted to ask if you wou-" Kade wasn't able to finish his question because Fiore cut him off by speaking.

"Im not gonna work on the project with you. Fuck off"

Kade sighed in annoyance and crossed his arms as he walked away. He looked like an angry toddler.

"Now do you see why i hate him?" Fiore spoke to Austin.

"I already knew why you hate him, i hate him as well"

Fiore was going to respond, but she was cut off by the sound of the bell ringing. "Fuck! Were gonna be late!" She snapped as she grabbed Austins wrist and dragged him through the halls.

Austin winced for a moment in suprise, but he wasn't hurt. So he just let Fiore drag him.

The two managed to make it to class just before the second bell rang. The second bell announced when time to get to class was over, so they were quite lucky to have made it in time. Fiore's mother would be mad if she had another tardy and Austin would get sent to in-school suspension if he got another.

Fiore sat down at her desk and Austin sat at his. Suprisingly, Kade didn't try to talk to her. She enjoyed his silence.

"Alright, class, i hope you all studied for our test today!" The teacher announced in her usual, annoyingly cheerful voice. Fiore did NOT need to hear that annoying high pitched voice this morning.

"We have a TEST today?!" Austin spoke, he usually forgot when they had tests or when assignments were due.

"Im assuming you didn't study?" Fiore asked him.


"Not suprised honestly"

"Hey! Whats that supposed to mean?!"

Austin was going to say something else when Fiore didn't respond, but the teacher placed the test barries on their desks. The barriers were just folded peices of cardboard.

The teacher also gave them their tests, Fiore was tempted to stick her foot under the desk and trip the teacher, but decided it wasn't worth it right now.

In the middle of the testing, Austin leaned over to whisper in Fiore's ear.

"Can you give me the answers?" He whispered to the girl, Fiore had turned her attention to him, she was already practically done with the test.

She just rolled her eyes and showed him her paper. She didn't really wanna, but she also didn't want to hear him complain about failing the test all day, so this was probably the better option of the two.

Austin whispered a quick thanks and scribbled down all the answers, After about three minutes, he was finally finished copying the answers.

Fiore went back to her test and finished the last four questions before standing up and giving the teacher her paper.

Austin did the same and they left class once the bell rang.

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