Chapter Two

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Fiore was walking with Austin when she got an odd feeling, like someone was watching her. She turned around to see Kade was following them.

"What the hell do you want, Kade?" She hissed, tired of his shit.

"Awww, What's wrong Fi? Are you tired of me?" Kade spoke teasingly.

"Yes, I am getting tired of you" Fiore hissed in response.

Kade chuckled and moved so that he was in front of Austin, blocking him from seeing Fiore, who was now in front of the lockers. He obviousky wasn't taking anything Fiore said seriously.

Fiore hated how arrogant he was. He never backed off when someone told him to stop or he was intruding on their personal space. Fiore couldn't stand people like that.

Fiore looked away and was about to grab Austin to get to their next class, but Kade suddenly lightly pushed her on to one of the lockers. He, luckily, didn't use too much force. But Fiore knew he could have.

Kade put up his arms next to her head on both sides, somewhat pinning her to the locker. Austin scoffed at Kade's actions but stood still.

Fiore gave Kade a warning glance, but Kade ignored it and returned her glance with a flirty one that made Fiore just hate him even more.

Fiore rolled her eyes and simply ducked under Kade's arm as she started to walk off to her next class, Austin followed her as they left Kade where he was.

"What's his deal?" Austin asked her as they walked. Fiore didn't usually talk about Kade much so all Austin knew was that Kade probably had a crush on Fiore and never stopped hitting on her.

"He hasn't stopped hitting on me since 3rd grade, he thinks he still has even a fraction of a chance of me not rejecting him anymore" Fiore explained to her friend.

"Why can't he get it into his thick skull that you don't wanna date him?"

"I ask myself that every day" Fiore sighed.

The two walked for a bit before they entered their Art class. Fiore used to pay attention in this class, but her art skill had improved through her little doodles and she didn't feel the need to learn to draw when she already could.

Fiore likes this class the most though. Not just because Kade wasn't in it (although that certainly was a bonus in her opinion), but because somone else was.

Fiore glanced as a girl with thick black hair sat next to her and Austin.

"Hey Nora!" Austin spoke to the girl as she leaned her head on Fiore's shoulder.

"Hey Austin" She spoke to him before groaning.

"I had a Science test" She spoke to Fiore.

"And how do you think you did?" Fiore asked, knowing damn well what Nora's answer would be.

"Fiore i SWEAR i tried to remember all the stuff you helped me study but i literally COULD NOT remember ANYTHING" Nora replied.

"Its fine, atleast you tried"

"Im failing Art" Nora sighed.

"How the hell do you manage to fail ART class?" Fiore laughed.

"I dont knowwwww"

Nora was silenced when she heard the teacher start to speak.

Fiore opened up her sketchbook and continued the doodle was making in her last class that she wasn't able to finish. She took out her other pencil and drew roughly over the sketch lines, she then took and eraser and erased the sketch lines.

She continued to doodle for a bit until she heard the classroom door open.

"Hello Principal. What do you need?" The teacher spoke.

"Hey! Can I see Fiore?" The principal asked.

Fiore froze. She had no idea why the principal would want to see HER. Fiore never got in trouble, usually preferring to keep to herself and only speak to her friends. And her grades where always good.

"Yeah, Sure! Go ahead with the principal, Fiore" The teacher replied.

Fiore nodded and slipped on her bookbag as she followed the principal out of the room.

"Uhm...why do you need me?" She asked the principal as the two walked down the hallway.

"Well, im sure you are aware that we fired the librarian, Correct?" The principal spoke.

"Yeah, my friend told me"

"Well, we have hired a new librarian and we thought it would be best if you trained with him as his apprentice" The principal explained to her.

"Wait, why me?"

"Well, your grades are the highest our school has seen in 3 whole years. There is no reason for you to waste time in your classes when you already know all their information, we were going to bump you up a grade, but we are not currently able to do that. So this was the second best option"

"So...what would i do as a librarian apprentice?" She asked.

"Well, you are the only one in your class who knows how the library system works. You could teach him the basics of his job, and he would teach you what he knows. You would help students check in and out their books, you would learn how to organize the library, and other things along those lines"

Fiore hated how the principal spoke sometimes. The principal spoke with a dignified, authoratative tone that basically said 'fuck you, im the big bitch here, you obey me'. Fiore hated people like that, but she was not going to disrespect the principal and get in trouble, her mother would kill her.

"Well, here we are" The principal spoke as they entered the library.

"Here is your apprentice" The principal said to a man at the old librarians desk.

Fiore froze as she saw who it was.

He was wearing a blue vest with three light blue diamonds on it over a white shirt with cuffed sleeves. He had glasses on as well and his hair was tied in a pony tail witha. blue hair tie.

He seemed to have Fiore's same reaction when he saw her.


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