Chapter 1

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Sometimes, he wished Ume would leave for the greater good. It wouldn't be hard for his little sister to insert herself into a House, eventually becoming a respectable Oiran. Or, Ume could run away from the Red Light District all together. She could find a husband, settle down, and have children.

That was something Gyutaro would never have, but that was okay. He didn't dare dream of having a better life. Ume deserved better, not him. What did he have to offer to the world?

Nothing, absolutely nothing.

Snow had decided to visit the Rashomon Riverbank once more. Gyutaro had nothing but a pile of hay to keep both him and his sister warm. He cradled her small body against his, he himself shivering uncontrollably at the harsh weather. Ume could only silently cry as she stared off into space.

The pair had been kicked out of their family home, and Gyutaro had been working his ass off to come up with the payments to take it back. Work had been slow for the last few weeks. It was so cold that the wind set his skin on fire. All he could do was worry about Ume. He needed money, and quickly.

His teeth couldn't stop chattering. Ume had gone still, finally falling asleep like Gyutaro had been praying for. He was careful to ease his way out of the cocoon-like hay pile, tucking Ume's body deeper within the mass. Then, as quiet as a mouse, he began to stalk through the district.

He was looking specifically for the rich merchants that traveled throughout the poorer districts, hellbent on preying on weak, small minded individuals. Gyutaro was like that once, a long time ago. Life had shaped him into something meaner, stronger. He knew how to deal with a wolf when he saw one.

Like a beacon in the dark, Gyutaro knew he found his target. The merchant was well groomed, clean, and had on an expensive garment and other clothes. Not a speck of dirt on him! How nice it must of been to be so clean, and probably have a warm home and bed to retreat to every night. If only he could take it all away and give it to Ume instead.

Gyutaro hated the sound of his voice, the way he walked, and how he belittled the other street urchins around him. His sickle was tucked securely around his waist. If he proved to be too annoying and prissy, a quick slash would end the problem.

"Hey- you! The ugly one with the sickle!" The merchant called out, grabbing a small boy by his hair. The child screamed and kicked, nearly taking a chunk out of the old man's arm at the same time.

"Get these brats away from me, and I'll give you something! I have jewelry, clothes...or what about money?" Gyutaro's eyes narrowed in on the merchant's pockets. They sagged heavily, evident that the man wasn't lying.

A strong gust of wind bit at Gyutaro's cheeks. It stung like hell. He grit his teeth, quickly pulling out his sickle. When the group of children saw him approaching, they all let go of the merchant's legs. Screaming and crying they went, pleading for their nonexistent heroes to save them. There was no one to help them. One could only save themselves.

The coins were heavy in his palm. One by one, they weighed his hand down. How many of them could Gyutaro use to buy food? Would there be any leftovers to spare for new clothes? They weren't for him, of course. Ume was starting to take a growing spurt, and she was due to have new kimonos anyway.

"Before you go," the merchant suddenly coughed into his palm, leaning against one of the poorly built homes. They all looked the same, each falling apart little by little. "I have another job that needs to be done. Can you do it before dusk?"

Gyutaro normally would've rolled his eyes in annoyance, but he desperately needed money. His makeshift pockets didn't even feel heavy. Could he even call it greed if it was for something important?

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