Chapter 6

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Y/N felt chilly on her way home. The night before, her and Gyutaro spent hours looking at the stars. They were usually faint because of the bright city lights, but last night, they were so visible.

She couldn't stop thinking about the way he held her tight in his arms. Throughout the night, they both talked about their plans for the future. Both agreed on sharing a life together at some point. They couldn't be separated no matter how hard someone tried to pull them apart.

In a few days she'd be leaving. Y/N wanted to wait until a few more years, but that dreaded crow wouldn't take no for an answer. It was also too dangerous for her to remain where she lived now. More would come after her eventually, and if she moved places, it would both put Gyutaro and Ume at less risk and keep everyone safer.

She had a birthday present for Ume that she couldn't wait to give her. Ume would be thirteen the day before Y/N had to leave. Her present was wrapped inside a simple, yet beautiful gift box.

The streets were awfully empty as she entered the Rashomon Riverbank. It was too quiet. All of the lamps outside had been snuffed out, and it was nearly dark outside. Her uneasiness grew as she smelled that smell. He was somewhere nearby, surely wanting to find Y/N and have a word. If she could smell him, then he most certainly could track her down too.

Gyutaro's house was close. It wouldn't be much longer before Y/N reached the place. Crows cried in the night sky, further terrifying the woman. He was too close for comfort.

A sickening crunch could be heard from behind her. Y/N refused to slow down, instead increasing her pace. His horrible and conniving voice rang out.

"Ahhh...Y/N! Is that you, dear? You've gotten so much older than when I last saw you!"

Her heart pounded. She looked all around, gasping when she couldn't find his house. Then, she realized she was too close to the river. His house was somewhat farther away, but being this close, Y/N had taken a wrong turn.

She didn't want to look back, but the only escape was forward. The sound of rushing water was getting louder; the river was closer. Y/N found herself walking along the dock, coming to an abrupt halt when the path ended.

His stupid she had been. With only one way out, which was behind her, Y/N had no choice but to face him. He was waiting at the entrance to the dock, waving his hand excitedly.

"You're not going to jump, are you? That would be incredibly dumb but hilarious at the same time."

Something wet and dark coated his mouth, which she didn't want to even question. And of course, he still looked the same. That blond hair and rainbow eyes were a constant reminder.

"Did you send that newly turned demon to my house? He was all bark but no bite, literally." She pulled the side of her shirt away, showing him her perfect skin.

"You're a smart cookie! I smelled the blood from hundreds of miles away. If it had been someone like me, there would be far too many pieces of you to keep count of." He closed the distance between them, walking to stand face to face with Y/N. She trembled at his mischievous expression.

"Seventeen, I presume? You were six when I last saw you. You've grown to be a beautiful woman, just like your mother was."


"Okay...what about it? What could you possibly want from me? You can't eat me unless you want to physically melt against this wooden dock. That man wouldn't like losing his sixth best demon, no?" Y/N knew how to get ugly. She grinned seeing the gears turn in his head, and then his jaw clench out of defeat.

"...Alright, you got me," he put his hands up in an amusing way, waving his fingers back and forth. "I just wanted to see what my little Y/N has been up to. I'll be very, very honest with you," his nose brushed against her hair, relishing in the fresh scent of it. "I missed you! A little birdie also told me that you're going to become one of them." He spat at the ground, narrowing his eyes at the thought of those little warriors.

"Aw...are you scared I'm going to kill you myself?"

His ego felt wounded, far too much than he could handle. With a huff, he swallowed it down and gave his most innocent smile. It still looked sinister.

"I will have you, no matter what I have to do. Your mother promised to give you to me...even in death, she can't break that oath. Stay safe...and sweet."

Of course he had to have the last word. He vanished in an instant, leaving nothing except a small surge of cold air. Y/N was surprised he didn't just push her into the river.

Ume was glad to see her return home safely. She didn't notice the strange look in her eye, or the cutely wrapped box behind her back. Y/N gently placed it down, and then turned to give Ume a hug.

"Happy birthday to you, happy birthday to you..."

Heavy footsteps made the front porch creak, going unnoticed by both girls,

"Happy birthday dear Ume, happy birthday to—!"

The front door burst open, and both girls looked startled to see Gyutaro. His head hung low, and he clenched something in his hand. Raising his head to flash a smile, Y/N flinched.

So much blood coated his clothes, and was tangled in his hair. His face was covered in it. The sickle he used so often was also stained on its edge.

"...W-What did you do? Gyutaro?!"

The happiness fell from his face. He had forgotten Ume's birthday, too caught up in the ring fiasco. He dropped to his knees, extending his arms and beckoning Ume for a hug.

She hid behind Y/N's legs, frightened at how disturbing her brother looked. He didn't understand until he looked down at himself. The blood continued to drip off of his clothes and skin, staining the floor below. They'd never wash it out.

Unclenching his hand, something made a weird 'plop' when it hit the floor. Ume screamed, running to her room as she left Y/N alone to take everything in.

A delicate finger, belonging to a woman. The bone protruded from the end. A beautiful silver ring with a diamond centerpiece sparkled around her finger.

"You...said you liked rings, right?"

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