Chapter 12

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For sixty years, he couldn't shake her screams out of his head. Even when he tried to somewhat sleep, his mind would constantly filter through scenarios that made him cringe. Daki was completely unsympathetic to Gyutaro's despair.

"Stop thinking about her so much! What about me, brother? She's probably all old and ugly's not worth it."

Daki had succeeded in becoming an Oiran just like her brother had dreamed for. Although, her ambitions didn't mean much to Gyutaro anymore. There was always a pit in his stomach that he couldn't fill. No matter how many people he devoured, cursed and degraded, he couldn't shake the nagging feeling inside.

"You have such an ugly personality, Daki. Knock it off before I do something about it." He hadn't spoken in a few years. His voice sounded even worse than from before. It was raw and hoarse.

He heard a sniffle from behind him. Daki always had to cry when she wanted her brother's attention. His body cracked and popped as he moved to face her.

"You're so mean to me! What happened to when you used to always make me feel special?!" Daki used the arm of her sleeve to wipe away her tears.

"Y/N doesn't matter anymore. She's dead."


It rang in his head like a bell. Gyutaro pictured her corpse, rotting in the middle of nowhere. Nothing left except for scraps of skin and bone. A hollow reminder of the person that used to live within the body.

"I don't want to let her go. Not yet, at least." The dark pit kept growing and growing inside. Daki could sense something in his words that meant she should leave him alone this time.

"Alright, brother. Don't keep— from rising to our true potential. Remember what will happen if we don't—"

"—Okay, I get it. Leave me alone for a while." Gyutaro had already retreated to the corner of the room, blending in with the shadows. He didn't want to talk anymore.

Daki sighed, but didn't complain for once. She left his room and entered her own. They were in a renowned House, and no one questioned why two rooms were off limits to everyone else. Her room was more on the dark side, but she loved to light candles to incite a romantic feeling. No one would truly love her. Men were disgusting in her eyes.

That's when she came to a sickening realization. She was jealous. How could someone love her brother, who was seen as ugly, but not favor her? Daki was seen as the most beautiful woman in the Entertainment District. Men were only after the pleasures she could offer in an hour, but yet Gyutaro chased after someone for the lifelong experience. Something she also hated to admit, was that Y/N really was beautiful. Daki never used to be jealous of that.

Her brother was right. She had an annoying and nasty personality.

Dwelling on negative thoughts would only slow Daki down. In two hours, she'd have to entertain a paid client. They were all the same, eager to put their hands where they didn't belong. Whenever a client was too pushy, Daki had no problem quickly devouring them. Sometimes she'd push them off the balcony instead since it was funny hearing the crunch when they landed.

This was the seventh House they've resided in. Every five years they would change places since people would begin to question why Daki wasn't aging. There would be small breaks in between. During those breaks, Gyutaro and Daki would visit their old home. It was barely standing these days. They didn't care though. Home was home.

"Oiran Warabihime? Are you awake at this hour?"

Daki hated that title, but kept reusing it over the years since it seemed to just stick.

"Yes, I am. What do you need?"

The door to her room was opened. She immediately recognized who it was alongside the servant. Daki couldn't help but sharply inhale in his presence.

"This is one of our best clients, he'll keep you company during the next hour." She left promptly, leaving the two demons alone.

Nothing was said for a few moments. Daki feared she would croak if she tried. In one of her prized mirrors, bought by a decent client a few years ago, she could see both her and his reflection. That same shit-eating grin and silly hat never failed to make her grimace.

"What's wrong? You weren't expecting me?" He sounded so monotone. Years ago, his voice would always carry this musical note in it.

"What do you want?!" Daki snapped, swallowing her fear and facing him.

Douma hummed, and then pressed a finger to his mouth.

"I was hoping to speak to the other sibling. The better one, precisely." He chuckled as he saw Daki's shoulders slump.

"There is no better one! Gyutaro and me are the same—"

At the mention of his name, emerged from the corner as if he was there all along. He stood up straight, and had even changed into a better outfit than those same baggy pants. It shocked Daki, but Douma didn't seem phased.

"Brother, what's going on?" Something didn't feel right. Daki began to shake as Gyutaro stepped forward.

"Ah, good. You dressed up for our little activity!" Douma clapped his hands excitedly like a small child would. The siblings exchanged a worried glance between each other.

"Wait, you knew he was coming? Where are you guys going?" She was quick to stand up on her feet, almost tripping from doing so.

"Don't fret; you're tagging along too. Are you going to keep flapping your gums or can I finally explain?"

It took a few moments for all three of them to get settled. Douma waited for a few more moments, straining his ears to listen for any other people wandering about during the night. Everyone had finally calmed down and wouldn't be awake until dawn.

"Now then," with a smile on his face, he turned to the siblings who watched him nervously. "There's a village we need to go to tomorrow night. You both need to look presentable. Human." Douma spat the word with distain, but was quick to cover it with a cough.

"I don't get it. Did he order us to? A mission?" Gyutaro asked. He couldn't help but scratch at his neck and face.

"Not at all, but rather, it's my direct order to both of you as your superior. Disobey, and...I don't need to say it, do I?"

Pure venom. She imagined it easily. Douma wasn't joking in the slightest despite his wide smile. Her brother didn't react to his threat at all. If anything, it peaked his interest even more.

"We're going to slaughter everyone in the village with the exception of young children. I usually couldn't care less, but it was a specific request I'm going to honor." He laughed as he mentioned honor. That word shouldn't be associated with Douma at all. It made Daki want to laugh herself.

"I'll return at this time tomorrow, so be ready. I trust we'll have a lot of fun?"

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