Chapter 5

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He worked incredibly hard to get the money for that ring. His work finally paid off, and the vendor couldn't be more pleased at the amount after counting the coins.

"My, worked hard for this, didn't you young man?" He murmured as he made sure it was every last coin that he had asked for.

Gyutaro eagerly nodded, trembling as he waited for the vendor to give him the ring's box. When the vendor smiled, reaching under the table, it took everything in him to not jump up and down like a small child.

The same velvety box appeared within his hand, looking the same as it did a week ago. Gyutaro was quick to take it, grinning as far as his lips would stretch. His smile faltered when he then opened the box to peek inside one more time.

It was not the same ring.

This one was made out of wood, not silver. While the etchings were beautiful, it was nothing compared to the ring he worked himself to death for. There were no gemstones, and Gyutaro even noticed faint writing on the inside of the band.

Another woman's name was written, alongside another man's. Immediate rage coursed through him. What the hell was this?

"...Is this a joke?"

The street vendor laughed, waving his hand in dismissal. He didn't even have the nerve to look at Gyutaro, quickly making work to shut down his stall. There was a long tarp that would be pulled down to cover the inside, which the man was about to pull at any second.

"You fucker," before the covering could be pulled down, Gyutaro quickly jumped into the stall. The man prepared to yell, but a dirty hand clenched over his mouth. "I slaved myself away for that ring! Where is it?!" his eyes darted around, looking to each shelf that housed odds and ends.

The man was old, and couldn't overpower Gyutaro if he even wanted to. He was helpless, flailing his limbs around in an attempt to make noise. No one noticed the deathly struggle, each passerby continuing to walk by unsuspecting.

"This," Gyutaro held up the wooden ring, bringing it close for the man to see. "Is a piece of shit. Where's the ring you showed me last week? Scream, and I'll cut your fucking head off." To make his point, he unsheathed his sickle that always rested comfortably at his hip.

"I-I had it appraised, because the documents to it needed to be updated and—!"

"—Shut up, you're wasting breath. Tell me where it is!"

The old man began having difficulty breathing. His eyes bulged out of skull, pulsating with each attempt at drawing in air. Gyutaro brought the sickle close to his neck, running the edge of its blade lightly across his skin.

"It's worth more than I thought...I know I promised it to you, but..." Sweat made his grey hair appear limp and dirty. Gyutaro snarled, pressing the sickle down harder.

"Wait!" the man cried, holding up his hands that shook. "I-I sold it to a man yesterday...he passes by here around dawn everyday on his way to work. Sometimes he'll walk around before midnight! You can catch him in the morning and get it back!"

Gyutaro was shaking more than the frightened old man. He needed that ring! Nothing else mattered more than that! His chest heaved in such anger, and his face turned unbearably red. It was nothing compared to when he was around Y/N.

"I told you where it was, so don't—!"

Blood splattered across the inside of the stall, with more gushing out from the large slice. He began to choke, holding his neck as if that would help him survive. Within a minute, he was slumped over to the side.

It didn't resolve his ever growing anger. This reminded him just of how much he fucking gated people. There were no good people left roaming this earth. Before leaving the stall, he took back the money and found more in a cabinet on the wall. Feeling the heavy weight in his pockets didn't make him feel better either.

No one saw him leave, and no one showed up asking questions. If the man who bought the ring appeared at dawn, then Gyutaro would wait the entire night if he had to. It wasn't even midnight yet, but he didn't care. He stuck to the shadows, occasionally switching spots as to not draw attention.

"Creep...he's been here all night watching everyone! What do you think he wants?"

Two women in rich fabrics sat at a table nearby, using their fans to cover their disgusting smiles. They weren't even that beautiful. Average. Nothing compared to Ume and Y/N.

He didn't like picking fights with women, so he frowned as he tried to drown out their ridiculing. They never stopped. Each snide comment made him clench his already ruined teeth.

They talked about his skin, hair, the way he walked, and how disgusting he looked. Y/N had restored a small amount of confidence in Gyutaro, assuring him that she never thought of him in that way. At least she thought he was worth something. People like them shouldn't have affected him so much, but for the rest of his life, he knew he'd harbor immense insecurities.

His eyes started to droop, but he willed them to stay open and alert. He was safe in the shadows, comfortable with how those women were now gone and others didn't pay attention. A cool breeze helped to soothe his anxiety, but that same breeze carried a scent he thought was familiar.

Just barely, the sun began to rise. It was a vivid orange against pink and yellow rays. The warmth from the sun's light put Gyutaro at even more ease. If it wasn't for that same twinkle he had been thinking about, the sun would have distracted him from seeing it.

Well, shit.

There was the man, and who Gyutaro assumed was the fiancé. The ring he so desperately craved to get back was snug on her left ring finger. She held onto his arm, laughing and swaying. Her fiancé didn't pay any mind to it, but was instead focused on the strange boy that watched them from the shaded area.

Shame and embarrassment should have stopped him, but Gyutaro really had nothing to lose. He abruptly stepped out in front of the couple, bowing his head like Y/N said to do to be polite.

"Excuse me..." he said, his voice already trembling. "That ring on your finger was supposed to be for my fiancé. T-The vendor from down the street sold it to you on accident. Could I offer you a slightly larger amount for it?"

The couple gawked at the boy, with the woman more appalled at his state of wellbeing. Her nose visibly crinkled, and her hand that was covered with a beautiful laced glove covered it. Making an audible gagging sound, she stepped closer to her fiancé.

"My dare you ask for the ring off of a woman's finger? need a bath!"

Fuck, he hated her voice. Gyutaro was trying to be polite for once. He grit his teeth, suppressing his anger for just a little longer.

"Not only does he need a bath, why on earth would you need a ring anyway? What woman would want to...never mind. Excuse us!" She continued rambling, stepping to side and pulling her fiancé with her.

He couldn't stop himself. His hand lashed out, grabbing the woman's wrist and twisting it so hard that it popped. She began to scream, drawing unwanted attention.

"You'll have to cut my finger off if you want it so bad! Get your dirty hand off of me!" Her wails were so annoying, and her husband did nothing but gawk like a scared little boy.

"You want me to cut it off? Fine."

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