Just Say It... /18+/

590 9 14

Smut Warning People

Trevor's POV:
We pull into my house excited for the weekend and ready to relax. I grab all the bags from the store, my backpack, and Derek's hand, practically dragging him inside.

"Hurry up, Derek, Im ready to get this weekend started!" I shout, throwing my fist in the air.

Derek smirks. "Whats got you all excited more than usual?"

"I don't know, I just can't wait to hang out today." I reply

"Dude, we hang out like every weekend; its been that way for almost 4 years now. Don't get me wrong, I love it, but what makes this weekend any different?" He asks, shrugging his shoulders.

I shrug back. "I don't know, I just feel like something extra exciting is going to happen, like when we found all those extra secrets in GTA 5, or back when we figured out all the mysteries in that one anime. Or that one time, we made that little robot for our robotics elective."

Derek chimes in. "Or the time we played gladiators like when we were 10 and "surfed" down the stairs right into your mom's potted plants. I remember a lot of cleaning, and it sucked. Still pretty fun though." He says, grabbing my hand; we both love to reminisce about our past. We've been through a lot together, and when our relationship started I figured out that all this time I...

"Oh, I know I'll certainly never forget the gladiator day." A voice all to familiar causes my ears to perk up. My hand shoots out of Derek's and my palms immediately start to sweat.

"Hi mom, I didn't realize you were here." My folks still don't know about me and Derek despite us being friends for so long. I've been meaning to tell them for a while now, but I can't seem to find the right time.

"Well, I got to leave work a little early today, honey. Derek, always good to see you." She comments. "Hey Mrs. McGregor, thanks for having me over." Derek answers politely; he always liked my parents cause they were a lot more laid back than his were.

"Of course, always." She replies, walking toward the living room, her heels clacking on the tile; my mom was the assistant manager of a tech firm, and dad was an illustrator for a series of children and young adult books. He did freelance, so his hours were always up in the air.

"Mom, we're going to go hang in my room, ok?" I say when all of a sudden Derek kisses me on the cheek. My face immediately gets red hot and I look at him incredulously and then to my mom. She was facing the other direction, sifting through work files.

"Thats fine dear, I'll call you boys when dinners ready." She responds oblivious to my boyfriends sudden romantic assult.

I silently mouth "what the fuck" to him but he just raises and lowers his eyebrows, amused with my flustered state. That adorable bastard.

I grab his hand and jet upstairs to my room, closing the door behind me and letting out a sigh of relief before rounding on Derek.

"Dude, what the hell was that? You know I'm nervous about my folks finding out about us."

Derek seemed unamused. "Babe, I don't know why your so tense, your parents are great and tolerant; when I said a dude in our class looked "girly" in 9th grade, they scolded me about being more accepting. If anyone would accept us it's them.

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