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Derek's POV:
You know, lots of things have the power to be destructive. Fists, words spoken hastily, my mom's cooking. In this case, the culprit happened to be sunlight. I had it all; a good dream, a cozy feeling, my boy in my arms; it was all copeasetic. Then, the sun had to be a buzzkill and cast its calm-shattering rays in my eye-sockets.

"Mhhhm." I mumble from the deadly contact with natural light. I have to take my arms from around Trevor to block the daggers of brightness and to no avail. The horrid shine seems to be everywhere, like some all-consuming parasite, feasting on the tender flesh of my retinas.

Trevor stirs, turning slightly next to me after sighing out sleepily. He stretches wide, with his arms and legs grazing into me at the height of his extension. He turns to face me, and I see him blink open his eyes slowly before addressing me.

"Morning baby, how did you sleep?" He asks so serenely as if our peaceful rest wasn't compromised by the devastating illumination of daytime.

"I slept good until the sun decided to be a bitch". I complain, cranky that it had to be morning already. I blame daylight savings time, even though it was fall, and we technically have shorter days.

"Ah, someone's being a cwanky pants, the morning is full of possibilities." He says in an over the top cutesy voice. How dare he taunt my annoyance at the sun. It's justified. Him being a morning person can really drag down my mood sometimes. Like damn I love him, but who is this happy at 5am?

"Trev, who is this happy at 5am?" I question.

"Firstly Derek, it's 9," He says, gesturing to his phone screen showing the current time. Damn him. "Secondly," he continues, "The morning is the perfect time to sieze the day; carpe diam if you will. It sets the tone for the entire 24 hours, so we should approach it readily." Trevor drones, poking my face every so often to emphasize his point.

I groan impatiently. "Trev, morning light is the enemy, and if you're not with me, you're against me. You can go tackle the day all you want to; I got a date with my other boyfriend: darkness." I say before throwing the covers over my head.

Now that bastard knows I can't sleep after I've been exposed to sunlight and/ or he leaves the bed so he could've just left me to my fate but nooooo! He has to make an example of how we should take advantage of the time given to us or some crap and pull the covers and me toward the ground.

I try to resist his forcful pull by rolling up in the covers like some desperate, defiant burrito, but his hold is too strong, and the light has weakened me. After 20 seconds of the world's saddest game of tug-of-war, I topple to the floor with the bedsheets, my phone, and my dignity all tangled up in a myriad ball of struggles.

"I freaken hate you sometimes." I casually say, trying to at least sound believable.

"Yeah, that was evident by the way you held me all night long." He responds, staring down at me like I'm some ignorant puppy he needs to retrain.

"I was cold, and you were the warmest thing I could grab." I fire back, which makes him burst out laughing. Great, now I'm smiling. Dammit Trevor.

As we both adjust to the waking world, I catch a delectable scent that makes my mouth water, and my stomach growl like a wrotriler guarding its territory. Trevor glances at me, and we both synergize, thinking the same thought

"Breakfast"! He exclaims, throwing his fist in the air, like he clamied some spartan victory.

"What are we waiting for? Let's go!" I say before rushing into the hall, eager to chow down on some more awesome eats.

"Ahh, Derek,"Trev interrupts, causing me to freeze my enthusiasm, "you might wanna look down."

I don't need to look down to realize why I need to dart back into the room as quick as the flash, I remember now all too clearly.

"Oh yeah, we slept naked." I say in sudden realization before prancing back into the room and slamming the door, before swan diving back towards the bed, scowering for my undergarments.

"Trevor, how could you let me go out into the world butt-ass naked like some newborn mole rat. Help me find my dick curtains fast; I'm starving." I command, frantically sifting through the discarded sheets to find my skimpy ensemble.

"I'm not the one who got so excited about good food that they opted for indecent exposure. At least, not this time." He reflects. "Also, stop calling your underwear dick curtains, or cock covers, or groin garments." Trev states, obviously used to my clearly clever alternate names for my undies.

"You're not the boss of me." I say before unearthing my briefs and shorts, waving them like a signal flag. Trev rolls his eyes before finding his clothes and getting casually dressed to make the journey downstairs.

I grab him while he's still sitting and give him a light kiss on the forehead. "Come on, let's eat." I instruct, getting a smile and a hug from my main man. Damn I rock at this boyfriend thing.

As we make our way down the stairs, we're met with Trevor's parents, already sat at the table, steaming cups of coffee in hand.

I observe the spread laid before us: scrambled eggs, bacon, a stack of panckes, thick sausages, buttered toast and fresh coffee, and oj. Can you say breakfast feast. The overwhelming ambrosia of Trev's mom's cooking was a heavenly sensation.

I realized a long time ago why Trev was always eager to eat at home; he gets to eat like a king most of the time, while I'm stuck with the peasant food of TV dinners and instant noodles.

"Well, it's about time you boys got up," his dad says in between sips of his coffee. His whole family were creatures of the day, which, ew.

"I was tempted to eat all the food myself." He claims, chuckling, while me and Trevor load up our dishes with the tasty supplements before us.

"Mrs. M, you are amazing, I never get tired of your cooking. " I complement her while filling my mouth with as much bacon as can fit.

"Amen, brother; best cooking ever!" Trevor adds, as he frantically shovels down heaps of scrambled eggs.

"Oh, you guys are so sweet. And accurate." His mom expresses.

"Hey, how do you boys know I didn't make the food this time?" His dad asks with feined disappointment.

Trevor gulps down some oj and says, "Well, dad, it's because, and how do I put this lightly; you make Gordon Ramsey cry every time you set foot in a kitchen." He finishes, causing me to almost choke on my sausage after snorting at his comment.

His dad puts him in a headlock and playfully noogies his head with his knuckles. Trevor acts like he's been attacked and starts laughing until he releases him.

"Hey, you guys just reminded me I need some help with something. It has to do with my work." His dad explains.

Uh oh, code red; having to do things. Time to use my secret technique-Ninja Art: avoid work-no-jutsu.

"Oh gee Mr. M, we would be so down to help if we didn't have that project due on Monday, right Trev?" I say nudging him so he can pick up what I'm putting down.

Trevor looks at me like I'm speaking German; "Project?" He calls out oblivious to the game I'm running. My internal facepalm rattles my brain. Trevor, you effing idiot; if I wasn't so in love, I would disown you right now.

"Oh right, that project, yeah, we're gonna be real busy with that one, let me tell you." Trevor says a beat too late in an unconvincing drawl.

"Funny," his mom chimes in, "I would've thought you boys would have all the time in the world last night, after you ran upstairs to throw digital hands, leaving me and your father to clean up your mess." She finishes with a triumpant tone in her voice.

Damn, she got us. Well, this wouldn't be the first time my hornyness inconvenienced us and it definitely won't be the last.

"On second thought, what kind of guest would I be to refuse helping my generous hosts?" I say, resolved to the fact that we were going to be used for some form of labor.

"Ah, that's so kind of you, Derek," his father smugly says, "Let me tell you what I need and fast; we gotta make hay while the sun shines." He says gleefully.

Great, one more reason for me to have a vendetta against sunlight.

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