New mysteries?

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We arrive at the Hearth kingdom. After leaving the forest, we come across a town bustling with people. The town had high walls and it was next to a huge ocean.

"It's really pretty" I say. "Yeah, very pretty indeed Eren replies staring at the ocean.

We head down from the forest to the town. Inside, there is a busy markety, a big garden and even a carnival.

I wonder if there will be many thieves here.

The imperial palace is still an hour avay from this town and we decide to explore this town for a while.

"Let's go to a tqvwrn and ask them if there are any werid laws" I say.
"Good idea." Eren replies.

We find s nearby tavern and enter. the tavern is very dark and people stare at us. We take a seat infront of the the bar and and ask the bartender,"Hello sir, we are new to this town. Are there any particular rules we should be wary of?"

"Oh! You kids are new here. Would you like a drink before we start our chat?" He asks

"Are there and non-alcoholic drinks?" we ask him knowing that e won't speak unless we buy something.

"Yes, that would be two gold coins each!" he replies.

"A single gold coin could get me a 100 drinks and 2 for each?" I smirk.

"Seems I won't be able to take your money." He laughs.

"So, how much i the drink?" I ask

"A copper coin each." he replies.

I give him the coins and he gives us two glasses of purple colored drinks and says, "These are special rullberaly drinks"

I check the glass for any poison and taste it. The drink has a strange but satisfying taste. It kind of looks like Eleanor's hair.

Eren also seems to think the same, not the hair part, the strange taste part. The bartender answers our question,"I don't know if this law would be considered strange but mirrors are not allowed in shops and streets."

"What why ?" We ask.

He leans closer and whispers,"It's because the crown prince hates his appearance, though he is quite attractive. He becomes very enraged if he sees his reflection.  He even uses ceramic utensils to avoid his reflection.

I am here for the king but the prince has made me intrigued.

The bartender continues,"He once stabbed a his fiancé's eye because it was reflecting his face.  "What the hell?" Eren says in In a small voice.

It seems the prince has piqued Erens interest too. We might research him if we are able to.

After we a leave the tavern, we head to the imperial palace on our horses.

For half an hour the road is empty with no residence nor architecture but after crossing a bridge a ton of houses could be seen.

It seems suspicious, as the soil in the land is very fertile and many herbs were growing there.

After a while we finally reach the imperial capital where the palace is situated.

After wandering around for a bit, we find an inn and the decide to rest for the night. The inn is really pretty, its like room inside a palace. The food is pretty good.

I was very tired and wanted to rest but Eren seems to have other intentions. He picks me up bridal carry style and lays me down. He turns off the light and starts to kiss me.
"Eren we haven't showered yet." I say.
"It doesn't matter." He speaks.
He continues to kiss me every where he can reach, its not like I don't want him. His every move makes my heart beat faster. "I haven't got to kiss you since yesterday." He says.
I am a little shocked as he is usually the more mature person among the two of us. But I get very aroused when he acts like a child. My enjoyment wasn't helping to quell his thirst. So I do the only think I know that calms him down. I grab his shirt and lay him down then I put his face inside my chest. This always calms him down.
"Eren, let's have a shower." I say. We both get in at the same time and finish quickly. Eren snuggles close to me and I shuffle his hair. This makes him sleepy. Actually, this makes mostly everyone sleepy. Eren sleeps peacefully in my arms and I am also quick to close my eyes.


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⏰ Last updated: Jan 29 ⏰

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