Nick- 04

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Nick's eyes shot up to the top of the stairs Where the voice had come from, there his eyes met his sister. A lot of emotions rushed through his body at that moment, but the strongest one was relief. He basically ran up the stairs, tripping up a couple, until he was met with his sister. He hugged her tight, burring his face into her shoulder. She was on the top step and he was down just one. Her arms around his neck, his around her waist, sort of rubbing her back.
Nick stepped up the stair not breaking the hug, he lifted his head only to be met with another pair of familiar eyes. He didn't know how it was possible and at the minute he didn't really care. His eyes had met Troy's. Confusion covered Nick's face, but Troy just gave him a light smile. Troy looked tired. Without even thinking, nick stepped farther forward pulling Troy into the hug. He let out a sigh of relief, holding them both in his arms.


"So you guys can stay here, you sure you three are okay staying together" Freya asked, well handing the room keys to Alicia. This was a new room from the one that Alex had originally given Nick, this one was bigger. Nick and Alicia nodded, nick looked over to Troy, he looked tired, he was leaning on the crutch they had given him. He snapped back into it when he realized people were looking at him "yeah, yeah" he said, there was no way he knew what he was agreeing to, but it didn't really madder.
"Okay, well I will let you guys get some rest, breakfast will be an hour after sunrise and Troy, make sure to go up to the med-bank to get your leg rewrapped after breakfast" Freya said, Troy nodded actually listening this time. "well goodnight" Freya said, they all said goodnight as she passed them. Nick smiled and waved to Alex who was not far ahead of her mom. Alicia put the keys in, opening the door.
There was a queen size bed and a twin bed parallel to each other with a side tableq in-between, there was a little out jet that nick thought to be the bathroom.
"Alicia and I will share the queen bed" Troy just nodded, nick new if Troy were just a little less tired he would make some remark, instead he just limped over to the bed letting himself fall onto it. "I'm going to go for a walk" Alicia said before walking out, she closed the door leaving nick alone with Troy.

Nick lifted Troy, so he was sitting upright, "what are you doing, let me sleep" Troy mumbled barely awake. "I'm helping, trust me" he said taking Troy's jacket off, "Take me to dinner first, jezz" Troy chuckled, nick just scoffed before slowly letting him fall back down. Next moved to his boots, he undid the lases before pulling them off. He put them down just at the foot of his bed. "Thanks Nicky" were Troy's last words, before he fell asleep. His voice sounded so calm. The only time he had seen Troy this tiered was when he had led the horde to the ranch, right after his brother turned and Troy had killed him. Troy had asked nick to kill him say "he was just so tired"
Nick sat at the edge of the bed waiting for himself to get tired, but it was hard to fall asleep when he was thinking about a million things at once, like where his mom or strand was, if they were going to stay here, they had welcomed them in and Nick had even started a friendship with Alex. He was also wondering where his sister had gone but most of all he was wondering why the hell he couldn't keep his eyes away from Troy. He kept catching his gaze falling over to the sleeping boy, he was so calm, that was one thing you almost never saw in Troy. He was always either on the move, fidgeting or working on something. The only time other than this that nick had seen Troy completely calm was the night at the trading post. when they were so pumped up on pills, nick had ran into the horde and would not stop making noise, Troy had hugged him to keep him quite, it worked. That was the only other time he had been so calm.
Nick let his eyes fall to Troy, letting his mind run. He heard laughter from outside, it was Alicia. He hadn't heard her genuinely laugh sense before everything.
Nick stood up quietly making his way to the door, he peeked his head out the window to see Alicia and Alex, laughing and smiling.
This made nick smile.

Authors note- sorry these chapters are so short, I promise they will get longer

Thanks for reading, please vote 🙏

Words: 811
Published: 29/01/2024

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