Nick- 0

29 1 0

"Stay here"

Troy walked past nick and the other motioning to them to follow him, nick was the first to walk towards him. When they were about ten feet away from the bus Troy started to talk, "I think we should take him"
he spoke in a soft tone sort of a hushed whisper, Alex almost looked offended that he would even suggest that "No way are you crazy" she said giving him a light snack to the back of his head. "Come on his 'buddies' left him" he said doing Air quotes over the word buddy, they had rain off after they had been dearmed. "Not that they were any good, they weren't bringing him away from where he was going, they were probably just going to kill him" Troy paused for a second, nick had never seen Troy act like this towards someone, he didn't know why but he almost felt jealous. "All in favor of bringing him" Troy asked, nick didnt know why but he raised his hand, just seconds after Troy. Alex gave his a confused look, "Nick, the kid has a knife to your throat" Alex said, "yeah, but I didn't think I'd live past sixteen and that wasn't because the end, but I did because I had someone looking out for me," nick paused looking to Alicia, who in return gave him a light smile. "He got noone" nick continued, Alicia nodded than raised her hand. Troy nodded then started to walk off "great so he comes"

"Hey kid, we'll take you to your dad" Troy said, the boy stood slowly making sure to keep his hands visible. "Really?" He questioned, you could hear excitement in his voice, he looked to nick and nick just gave him a light smile.


They were sat in the bus, Alicia and Alex had gone to the back, Troy was driving and nick was in the front seat, the kid was in the front seat behind Troy, asleep. Nick looked at the boy then to Troy, he wanted to know why Troy even gave the kid a second chance, the old Troy would of shot him were he stood. Nick stood up going to the front beside Troy and sat on the ground, he saw troy watching him.
"Why do you want to protect this kid" nick asked straight up, he didn't know how else to bring it  up. "I don't know" Troy paused before going to speak again, "he sort of reminds me of Jake."
Nick was surprised, he didn't expect it to be that and he expesally didn't expect Troy to give it up so easy. He looked up to Troy, who was not breaking eye contact with the road.
"Did you even get his name" Nick asked Troy just shook his head.


Nick and Troy had continued to talk for a couple hours before he felt tiredness start to wave over him, he tried leaning his head against the front but each bump made him hit his head over the hard plastic. He tried raising his arms, putting them behind his head but each bump they would just fall down. "Tired?" Troy asked looking down to nick, only for a quick second.  Nick looked up to him before saying "yeah."
Nick moved one more time but still couldn't get himself comfortable, he turned his back to Troy, sitting on the steps. He felt a hand rest on his back, grabbing onto the back of his shirt. "Back up" Troy said, lightly pulling him back towards him until he was sat right up against the seat. Troy's hand slid from his back to his shoulder, then up his neck, pushing nick's head back so he was resting against his thigh. Nick felt like his stomach was on fire, there was something about what Troy did that was just so..... Hot

Authors note- sorry this was a short chapter, I just thought it would end here good. Sorry I haven't been updating I'll try and update this more often

Words- I forgot to check
Published: 04/03/2024

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