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The sun was starting to come up when they had gotten to a small neighborhood, there were about five houses and looked to be vacant. There was a slight breeze but other than that clear skies, "should we do three hours" Alex suggested, nick looked to Alicia who was already looking at him, they gave each other an okay nodded then agreed with Alex.
They had three hours to do what they want, explore, sleep, fine food. Nick watched Troy start to walk off to one of the buildings ahead.
"Where are you two headed" nick asked Alicia and Alex. Alex looked at Alicia before answering "I don't know about you two, but I'm going to find somewhere to sleep."
Alicia just nodded, nick looked back to Troy, he watched as he limped up the stairs to one of the houses.
"Well, I'm going to go catch up with him" nick said.


There was not much in the house that was still intact, everything had been ripped or shattered. Nick found himself in one of the bedrooms, it looked to be a kids room. The walls were painted blue, with Spiderman on one of the walls, but it had now been crossed through with a big red spray painted X.
There was bed in the corner and the dresser looked like it had been rummaged through. Nick looked on top of the dresser to see a picture frame and a necklace, the necklace was silver, it had a ruby on it with the letter T Right beside it.
Nick lifted the photo to see a family photo, the mom had dirty blonde hair that was down and blowing in the wind, the dad had black hair and a suit on, with what nick assumed to be the son on his shoulders, he was in kakie Short and had a Spiderman t-shirt on. Nicks eyes moved to the last person in the photo, a girl who looked to be just a little old than the son, nick immediately noticed the necklace she was wearing matched the one in his hand. All the people had beaming smiles on their faces as the stood infront the house he was in know. It looked to much more alive then, flowers growing and the grass green. Nick slid down the wall he was leaning on still looking at the photo trying to take in every detail.
He was so immersed in the photo he didn't even realize Troy entered the room "do you ever want kids" Troy asked, taking nick's attention.
Nick had to think about it for a second "before the end, no" "what about now" Troy asked looking down at the photo in nick's hands.
There was a pause before nick spoke "yeah, kinda. I wouldn't want to bring someone into this hell though" nick explained. Nicks eyes followed Troy as he sat on the bed frame "what about you" "yeah" Troy answered almost immediately "I have always wanted kids, well one" he paused before continuing "maybe two."

Silence fell over the two, but it was comfortable. Nick looked over to Troy who was looking around the room. Troy's eyes fell to nicks after only a couple seconds. They just looked at each other, in silence.
A loud groan it was broke their little staring contest. Nick stood up looking out the window, his heart shattered when he recognized the zombie out the window. "Oh my god" he breathed out, he heard Troy stand up and then not long after felt his presence behind him. "Do you know her" Troy asked, nick could hear the confusion in his voice. Nick lifted the family photo, pointing to the daughter.


After about two hours of exploring the houses nick and Troy had found about a backpack worth on actually useful items, lucky a backpack being one of them.
Nick found himself back in the boys room, sitting on the edge of the kids bed. He was enjoying just being in there staring at the photo. After being alone for about ten minutes, Troy joined him again.
"What you got a thing for the mom?" Troy asked, nick scoffed "no"
"The dad?" Troy said, he voice went quiet when he said that. Nick didn't move his head, just his eyes, They met Troy's eyes. Nick watched as Troy licked his lips and then bit the middle of the bottom one, there was something about that that made Nick's stomach do a backflip.
Nick rolled his eyes before saying "No."

Troy made his way over to nick, he sat beside him, but not on the bed, on the ground. "What's with the photo then" Troy asked looking up to nick.
Nick didn't know how to answer that, something in this photo just made him sad.
"If we were to go back to my house, all the photos would look just like this" nick stated, "and yet I'm sitting in a random kids room, with a dead dad, who knows where my mom actually is and a sister who is slowly falling apart" "and I fell apart before the end" nick didnt know where he was going with this.
"I- I just wish I could give this poor kid a hug and I don't even know his name" Troy had only now taken his eyes off nick, he turned over taking the picture from nick.
Nick watched as Troy flipped it over undoing the back and taking out the photo on the back In handwriting it said 'Adam and tegan- 2008' only 2 years before the end.
"There's your people" Troy said handing off the photo to nick.


There was about half an hour before they were scheduled to keep going, Troy had said he wanted to get a quick nap, so he was asleep in the kids room. Nick had not known Troy to be a tired person, he was always awake and alert, but the past couple of days Troy had been nothing but tired.
Nick sat beside Troy just thinking, his thoughts were interrupted by a groan. At first he thought it was Troy but then quickly realized he was wrong. The noise came from outside the room, it was a zombie. Nick shook Troy who quickly woke up. "we gotta go" nick said, lifting himself off the ground. The noise got louder, nick walked up to the dresser, placeing the picture back and necklace right in front.

Suddenly there was a rock hitting there window, nick looked at Troy only briefly but looked back when another rock hit the window. Troy approached it "it's your sister" he said before lifting the window.
Alicia spoke quickly "there's a herd, they already are in your house."
"You have to climb out the window" Alex said, nick watched Troy life the window up as high as it could go.
He put his legs in first slideing down and in. It wasn't to far of a drop but far enough that Trop put his arms out incase nick fell.
When they were out, the could see that there a hundred zombies.


It was about 4 ish, or at least that what nick's guess was. Wind had started to pick up, there were dark clouds headed their way and no shelter in eyesight.
He heard a sort of groan come from behind him, he turned to see Troy limping behind him, pain ached through his face.
"Hey maybe we take a break" nick suggested, realizing how much pain Troy must have been in. Alicia and Alex turned around to them, Alicia looked up to the sky then said "It would be safer if we kept going, the storm is rolling in quickly."
"I could use a shower" Troy joked, nick looked at him giving him a smile. "We should keep going" Alex agreed with Alicia.
"Are you going to be okay" nick asked looking at Troy then down to his leg, "yeah, I'll be okay" Troy replied.


It had probably been another two hours of walking, when they finally saw something up ahead. They couldn't tell what it was from how far away they were, but all of them were glad to soon be able to rest. Nick heard another groan from behind him but this time it was followed by Troy saying 'shit.'
He turned around "you need help?"
"I'm not going to say no" Troy answered, nick walked up to him putting his arm around Troy's waist, Troy put his arm over nick's shoulder then put some of his weight onto nick.
After walking for about a minute or two more they felt the first rain drops, it honestly felt good.
The rain started quickly and powerfully, it wasn't warm but it wasn't cold earlier. The rain came down heavily soaking them almost immediately, nick felt a smile growing on his face. He hadn't had a real shower in a long time and it felt so good.
Nick felt Troy lift his body weight off him lifting his arms in the air, all four of them were soaked, "This feels so good" Alex said, everyone was happy. Alicia and Alex laughed about something one of them said and ran ahead, Nick noticed Troy taking off his shirt, he could take his eyes off him. His skin looked smooth, he was muscular but not overly much. The water bounced off his skin and fell off him, he wanted to peel his eyes away but he just couldn't.
"You like what you see?" Troy teased him, nick had never been more embarrassed in his life, his eyes immediately darted to the ground and he felt his face starting to burn. "You wish" was the only thing nick could think to say, he tried to ignore his growing need to look to Troy but he just craved it. He glanced over quickly now staring at his back, he wanted nothing more than to just touch him.
Something in his snapped, why the hell was he thinking that was, he looked forward back up to the girls. He felt like it was getting harder to breath and he hated the way his shirt felt stuck to his body. Nick copied Troy, sliding his shirt off.
He couldn't help but blush when he felt Troy's eyes on him, he felt his face get more red. "Now who's looking" putting his shirt in the bag that was once on his back. He felt Troy's shirt land on his arm, he looked up to Troy, now holding up Troy's shirt. "What do you want me to do with this" he asked, Troy looked down to nick. "Whatever you feel like" Troy said quickly raising then lowering his eyebrows. Nick scrunched his face before shoving Troy's shirt into his bag.

Authors note- I've got a good idea where I want this story to go it's just taking longer to get there than I wanted. I promise there will be more trick scenes.

Words: 1801
Published: 04/02/2024

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