Troy- 06

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It was early when he woke up, still dark. It wasn't for someone waking him, he was woken from the movement around him. They were soft steps, probably Alicia. "Nick" Alicia's voice said in a whisper. She repeated it a couple more times until there was a soft groan, Troy rolled over but didn't open his eyes.
"Nick, get up" Alicia whispered, he peaked his eyes open.
Alicia was shaking nick as he groaned and protested getting up, when he finally did get up Alicia walked into the bathroom.
She came back only a couple minutes later, her hair was up and she had jeans on. "Okay everyone up" she said in a louder voice. Troy started to stretch, putting his arms in the air, a sharp pain reminded him not to move his leg around too much. Troy sat up rubbing his eyes to try and wake himself up, he looked up to Alicia "morning" he said.


"I'll be back soon mama I promise" Alex said giving her mom a tight hug. Everyone was already in the truck just waiting for he to say bye, Alicia was sat in the passenger seat, nick and Troy in the back.
It was a couple more minutes before Alex got in the truck, Troy didn't care to listen to the rest of their conversation.


They had been on the road for almost an hour, there plan was to go up to the bridge search around it, then back up to 'El Bazar' and if the wasn't there, there was a small town about 2 hours out of El Bazar that Maddison had talked about.
"So what are you guys planning on doing when you find your mom" Alex asked, Troy looked over to nick, he was also curious.
"Well she can't Go back to your place after what happened to the ranch" Alicia said, "but we can't have her looking for us" Nick Finnished.
"What are we going to do about Troy tho, didn't you say your mom wanted his skin" Alex asked, "I'm not too worried about her" nick said. Troy cut in "I am, and what are we going to do if Daniels with your mom"
There was a silence, Tory knew that meant noone had thought of that. "Well figure it out."


The most of the car ride was silent, it wasn't to long. They only stayed around the recoage of the bridge for about an hour before deciding to just go straight up to El Bazar, They would be there in just under a day.
It had been a quiet ride and an awkward tention had started to grow in the truck, the only sound being the noise that the truck would make.
Troy leaned forward between the two seats flicking the music on, he didn't know he song but it was nice. He sat back laying his head down against the seat, He felt his sleep start to overtake him.


"Troy get up" Nick said quickly, shaking him a lot, he reluctantly opened his eyes. "What" he groaned lifting his head up, it was dark out but he heard footsteps around him. "We are getting robbed" nick said, Troy looked out back to see a truck behind them. Troy reached down the bag in front of him grabbing a pistol from it, nick leaned forward waking up Alex and Alicia. Troy swung the door open, leaning out to point the arms out facing the pistal towards the unknown people. They had masks covering their faces and each of them was holding a shotgun. Troy shot the barrel of each of their guns, he went to go shoot the other two but his gun lodged, by this time all the other had gotten out everyone was fighting someone. Thoy felt the bead of the gun hit his back, "don't move" a voice said from behind him. He stopped what he was doing, troy quickly put the gun down he pants before lifting his hands into the air.
He watched Alex kick a guy's legs out from under him. "Alex behind you" Troy shouted, but before she had time to react
Someone had grabbed her, they kicked the back of her knees, pointing a hand gun on to the side of her hear, troy couldnt see alicia from where he was, but nick was pushed down Infront of troy. There were six people in their group all wearing a black mask. "what do you guys want, we dont have money" Nick said, which only got him a punch to the stomach. it made troy flinch, he so badly wanted to shoot the guy who did it but he knew that that would only get the rest of there heads blown off. "moneys useless now, there taking the resources " troy spoke, the guy behind him grabbed his hair pulling troys head back before saying "ding ding ding, you know youd be considered smart if you shut your dam mouth," he let go of troys head right after saying that. They had to sit there as the people rummaged through the truck, "hey why dont you just take the whole truck" troy spoke again. The guy behind him used the back of his gun to push troy to the ground "what did i say about talking dumbass," a raspy voice cut in "hes not wrong lets just get out of here." A couple of the guys hopped in the truck and the rest slowly backed away back to their truck guns still pointed towards the four of them. The minuite they got in the trucks the floored the pedal speeding of as quick as posible. troy got up pulling the gun out of his pants and sot at them, he was aiming for the tires and windows. "jesus dude stop it, what do you have a death wish" nick said in a sort of anrgey annoyed tone, "nope just not scared to die" he said taking one last shot, it hit the back window shaddering it.

"why didnt you just shut your mouth we would of still had a truck you dumbass" alex said, troy was about to fire back at her when alicia spoke, she had an odly calm tone "no, they were going think to take the truck, troy just sped up the proces. plus that one guy was getting a little too trigger happy"
"Well what are we doing now" Alex asked, Troy looked in-between Alicia and nick. "Well we're what, 4 hour drive away from el bazar, that's the closest place" Alicia said, Troy was not ready for a long walk but he had no choice.

Authors note- vote if you like it 🙏
Have a good day/night

Words: 1114
Published: 29/01/2024

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