Troy- 05

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A sharp pain in his leg is what woke him up.
He looked down at his leg to see Alicia wrapping his leg. Nick and Alex were sat on opposite sides of her, "I told you it would wake him" nick said, turning to look at Alex. She looked at him almost offended " how the hell did he sleep through last night then?" She asked not taking his eyes away from his leg.
Troy winced when Alicia tightened the wrap, her hands worked gently but it still hurt. Troy sat up when Alicia was done, "what happened last night?" Troy questioned he had always been a light sleeper so he didn't understand how he didn't wake up if something big happened. Alicia was the one to answer "nothing, we were just in and out of here a lot."
That answer made Troy more curious.


Nick, Alicia and Troy were sitting together at one of the tables in the cafe. "Your mom is not on my top priority list after she left me with a little departing gift" Troy said motioning to his head. It had a large bandage that covered the side of his head.
"If we don't look for mom shes going to look for us" Nick butted in, Alicia was quick to reply "maybe that's a good thing, don't you want her here?" She questioned. Nick didn't reply, just bit his bottom lip. "Well do you really want her here to look at what happened to the ranch" Troy cut in.
"Your opinion is biased" Alicia said, Troy gave her a confused look "well I think I have the right to be, when your mom showed up, my dad died, followed by my brother, then to top all off the ranch is a zombie zoo" Troy said slightly sarcastic.
"I think most of that is particularly your fault" Alicia said giving him a smug look.

"So I'm the deciding factor?" Nick asked, they both stopped their pissing contest and looked at him. "I guess so" Alicia said. "We go" nick said, Troy gave him a confused almost hurt look.
"Troy is right, we can't have mom come here it will turn out just like the ranch, also making Alicia right we have to find my mom, show her we are okay, so that she doesn't tare this place down looking for us, and when we find her we decide from there" nick explained. "And what are we doing when she realizes I'm not dead, don't you think she'll want to finish the job" Troy asked, he hated the thought of facing Maddison again, who knows what she would do but if that's what nick wanted, he would follow.
"Well maybe I'll do it for her" Alicia said obviously getting tired of all Troy's 'smart' remarks. "No Ones doing anything" nick said to Alicia before turning to face him, he started to stand up well talking "my mom won't hurt you, she wouldn't do that to me again." He walked off after finishing leaving Alicia and Troy alone.
"So we're doing this" Alicia stated Troy just nodded, they stayed quiet, it was an awkward silence.
It didn't stay quiet for long, Alex came over, Troy took note of the way Alicia fixed her poshter when Alex walked up and the way Alex put her hand Alicia's shoulder, letting in fall down her arm. "Where did nick run off too" Alex asked, well taking her arm off Alicia, "Who knows" Alicia replied.


Troy had gotten bored of Alicia and Alex's random talk, he made his way outside still using the crutches the people had given him. When he exited the front door. "YEAHHH GOAL"  Nick shouted lifting his hands up in the air. Some of the kids ran around cheering, well others were walking away booing. "See that Troy" he said well lifting one of the girls and spinning her around, she had the biggest smile on her face as her hair flew over her eyes. Troy felt a smile grow on his face as he watched all the kids jumping to give nick a high five. The game continued and Troy sat there just watching.

Troy was sitting on the stairs when Alicia came out, Alex followed not far after.
"Alex is coming" Alicia announced when she got out, this stopped nick. He passed the ball to a teammate then did a light jog over to the group "what, why?" He asked, sort of out of breath. Alicia just shrugged "because I'm bored, a little bit of traveling would be fun" she paused for  a second before continuing "plus I have a truck that can get us where we got to go, wherever that is."
Troy liked Alex he hadn't been around her much, but he couldn't tell she was very straight to the point and he found that funny. Troy stood up when the group started to walk away, "I got to go talk to my mom, but I bet she'll be okay with it."

{Time skip}

Like Alex had thought, her mom was okay with it there was A LOT of conditions, more than Troy could have ever imagined. Troy had grown up without many rules, others the obvious ones but if he wanted to leave, he could be gone three days and his parents wouldn't even greet him when he got back, the only one who ever really worried was his brother.
They had talked about Madison and how they weren't going to bring her here just let her know they were alive. Freya had said "it was gonna be a lot harder said than done." Troy knew that she was talking about how it was her mom, but he didn't understand, he wasn't close with his mom and his dad was, well Jeremiah Otto.
They planned to leave tomorrow morning so they still had alot of they day to lose. Alicia had gone with Alex to go pack some things, well Troy and Nick were filling the truck with things that fraya thought they might need such as, water bottles, blanket, spare gas canisters.
Nick and Troy didn't talk much as they worked, Troy wanted to tho he hated silence. "You do a lot of traveling before?" Troy asked trying to start conversation up. "No not really, you" nick asked looking to Troy. "Lots of road trips and camping, never flying" Troy replied, Troy had always felt like he'd grown up on one big camping trip.
The silence came back but it didn't stay long, "oh shit dude, your leg" he heard nick say, troy looked down to see blood seaping through his pants.

Nick was helping Troy up to there room, his leg hurt. It hadn't stopped hurting sense they day of the bridge going down.
They had gotten up to the room and Troy was know sat on his bed, the wound was just above his knee but didn't hit his bone. Troy had taken off his pants, so he was just in his boxers, well nick went to the bathroom to find clean wrapping. Undoing the old one stung like a bitch, but he got it over with.

Nick walked out with wrapping, needle a cloth and a few others things. Nick slid a chair over to prop up Troy's leg, then put all the stuff on the bed beside him.
"I don't know how to redo stitches" nick said looking from Troy's leg to his face, "that's another thing that my dad made sure we knew how to do."

When Troy had finished re-stiching his leg, nick wrapped it for him. Nick was alot more ruff with it than Alicia was, pulling it tighter and going alot quicker.
Troy watched nick work, he realized that he bit the corner of his lip as he worked.
"Is that tight enough" nick asked looking up to meet Troy's eyes. "Yeah," Troy couldn't look away from him, nick still looking up at him they both of them stayed quiet.
There silence was interrupted by Alicia and Alex entering, nick went back to what he was doing sticking a safety pin in the wrap to hold it in place.
"Thanks" Troy said dropping his leg down off the chair.

Authors note- I don't really like how all over the place this chapter is but whatever.
I hope whoever is ready my trash work at least some what likes it.
So I know anyone's reading this please vote 🙏
Have a good day/night

Total words: 1377
Published: 29/01/2024

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