Did I Make A Mistake? (6)

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Republic City harbor docks Varrick's yacht as Chief Lin loads water tribe criminals into a police truck.

Her attention turns to the rest of team avatar unloading varricks yacht.

"Welcome home, Avatar. Thanks for starting a war." She sarcastically said to Korra.

"I didn't start a war. Well, I did, but it's more complicated than you're making it seem." Korra tries to defend herself as Lin turns her attention to Mako.

"Mako, I want you back on the beat. There's going to be a Southern Water Tribe peace march tonight. I need you there to make sure things don't get out of hand." Lin gave orders to him.

"I'm all yours."

"I'll go too. The people of the South need to see that the Avatar is on their side in the fight against the Northern invaders."

Korra spoke up as Lin sighed "Great, that should calm them down." She walks away from them.

"Maybe you should sit this out."

Mako turns to his girlfriend as she stares at him in disbelief  "What?"

"I just think having you there blatantly supporting one side will only make things worse. You could at least try to seem neutral." He tries to explain his own point of view.

"I'm not neutral! The North invaded my home. The only reason I'm here is to get the Republic to send troops to help the South."

"Zhu Li's already scheduled a meeting for us with President Raiko tomorrow. We'll get them on board." Varrick stepped in between the conversation.

"Whatever, I gotta go to work."


At Southern Water Tribe Cultural Center, with a statue of Sokka overlooking the compound.

A huge number of people have congregated, while police riot vehicles have been employed to control the crowd. 

Chief Beifong overlooking the event with her officers. As the Southerners are led by Korra riding atop Naga.

Some of them are holding lit candles on paper lotuses, while others are holding signs.

"Boo! Get out of here! Boo! Get a real job! Get out of here!" Northern protesters exclaimed to the Southerners.

At the cultural center, Mako is on patrol. Two suspicious characters are stealthily escaping, but one steps on a can, alerting Mako.

"Hey! Stop! Republic City Police!"

A man presses a remote controller before running. Mako pursues them but is stopped by an explosion.

He controls the spread of the fire with firebending. 

In the front of the center an explosion, leaving everyone looking on in fear and shock.

Mako is fighting the men. He throws multiple fire blasts and kicks, but one of them retaliates with firebending. 

He is subsequently knocked off and drops the remote, but makes his way into the getaway satomobile.

Mako attacks the satomobile with a fire blast, but they manage to escape. He walks up to the remote and picks it up. 

Korra is extinguishing the fire using water from the fountain as Mako approaches her.

"The Northern Water Tribe is out of control!"

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