Light In Dark (16)

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"Everyone in Republic City is in danger. You have to help them, Korra." Tenzin turns to Korra as she softly narrows her eyes. "How? We're half-way around the world."

Tenzin walks over to her aid putting his hand onto Korra's shoulder. "Do as the ancients once did. Connect to the cosmic energy of the universe. Don't bend the elements, but the energy within yourself."

"You really think I can do this?" She perks up a bit.

"I have no doubt."

She pulls Tenzin into her embrace hugging him tightly "Thank you for not giving up on me."

"I'm proud of you."

Tenzin walks out of the Tree of Time, but before he exits, he turns around to see Korra seated in a meditative position.

He exits the tree, leaving Korra alone to meditate. As she meditates, a memory of Wan air bending alongside Raava emerges.


"If you and Vaatu have the same fight every ten thousand years, why hasn't one of you destroyed the other?"

"He cannot destroy light, anymore than I can destroy darkness. One cannot exist without the other."

"Find the light in the dark."


Korra stands on astral lights as she opens her eyes and turns, seeing a large projection of herself, holding a ball of light.

 Korra looks on with determination and walks toward the ball of light. As she enters it, a large blue projection of herself exits her body and the Tree of Time.

Outside of the tree, where everyone looks on in shock and surprise. 

Korra's projection reaches out to the overlapping portals and is sucked through, disappearing through the base of the portal.

"Uhhh ... what did you say to her exactly?" Bumi slowly turns to his younger brother.


Korra speeds through the spirit lights as Republic City, its buildings surrounded with vines; an emergency alarm blares.

Unavaatu standing in the bay, his arms stretched toward the water as he controls the vines that are overtaking the city as he looks up at the night sky.

A blue light coursing through the sky as light intensifies into a bright ball.

Unavaatu as the bright ball slams into him, knocking him back, ricocheting over the water's surface. As Korra stands up in the water.

Pema, Ikki, and Meelo looking on in surprise standing on the balcony on air temple island.

"Korra's back!" Ikki happily exclaimed to her mother.

"And she's a blue giant!" Meelo points out hanging by the railing.

Unavaatu rises up from the water and prepares to battle Korra.

Both entities fire out their respective energy beams from their chests, but Korra focuses her beams to overpower Unavaatu's, eventually knocking him back. 

Korra runs forward, but Unavaatu shoots out tendrils toward her, which she catches and uses to immobilize and grab him before slamming him toward a nearby mountain.

Korra leaps forward and holds Unavaatu's head with her right hand, while desperately searching for Raava within Vaatu.

"You're looking for something that is gone. Raava has been destroyed. And soon you will be too!" He ensnares Korra with his tendrils.

Unavaatu fires a close-range energy beam at Korra, knocking her unconscious.

Korra stumbles from the attack, but Unavaatu fires another energy beam at her, knocking her unconscious.

Unavaatu bends out purple streams of water around her, preparing to corrupt her spirit.

Unavaatu is near success in destroying "With you out of the way, I will be the one true Avatar."

 A ball of light descends from the sky. As Ikki holds a telescope noticing Jinora in the light. "Mommy, it's Jinora. She's ... beautiful."

"What? Let me see." Pema takes the telescope, gasps in surprise; shouting. "Be careful sweetie!"

Jinora descends toward Korra, holding with her a small ball of light. She opens her palms, releasing the light, which illuminates Republic City. 

Unavaatu, who is shielding his eyes from the glare of the light, stops bending, releasing Korra.

As he recovers from the glare, a ball of light emerges from his chest.



Korra runs forward and punches Unavaatu before reaching into his chest.

As she touches the ball of light, she pulls out Raava. She subsequently prepares to purify Vaatu.


After purification, Unavaatu dissipates into the sky in a golden light. Korra bows in respect.

"Go in peace."

"Harmonic Convergence is nearly over. We must return to the Spirit World so we can fuse once again."

Raava and Jinora descend onto Korra's open palms, where she cups them with her hands for safety, before teleporting away.

The Tree of Time, where everyone was forced to retreat into the hollow. The spirits soon swarm the hollow, darkening the interior.

The spirit portals, where a beam of light descends from the center, illuminating the Tree of Time and dissipating the dark spirits. 

In Tree of Time, where Korra's projection has returned. She opens her palms, releasing Raava and Jinora, who glides to her father.

"I'll see you soon, Dad."

Tenzin reaches out for Jinora, but she disappears before he could do so. Korra's projection also dissipated and returns to her body.


"Y/n..." Jinora wakes up from meditating pulling her cousin into an embrace.

"I knew you were her guide. Sometimes you need to listen to your elders." I joked with her as she lets out a small chuckle.

"What about Korra and the others?" Asami worriedly asked her as she flashes them a smile. 

"Don't worry, they're all right. Korra saved the world." Tonraq and Senna hug each other in happiness.

"I knew you were the guide!"

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