College Service | n i n e

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College Service | n i n e

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Victor's POV

the wait for Callum was torture.

I keep on telling myself to stop wasting my time, I mean. what the hell am I doing? Maxie was right, I barely knew her. yet here I am pacing in my room acting like a totally insane person not to mention a jealous boyfriend-- waiting for my roommate to arrive. and then what? Interrogate him again?

Well yes. since I can't seem to calm myself down.

what is happening to me? I never act like this over a girl ever. Even Sarah, we've been together for--well apparently five years. yet I never felt this pull towards her. Hell, sometimes I even ask myself why I'm with her. but well of course I know why I'm with her. I'm stuck.

Not to mention how long I gawk at the elevator in my boxer. trust me it was long.

I was so lost. The look on Maxie's face when I blurted out that I like her. I almost miss the horror on her face.

Yes, horror. like she was scared. what the fuck was that? Why would she look scared?

I shake my head again, I have no idea what I'm doing, but hell. I want her. and I want her badly.

In my Twenty years of existence, I've never recalled a day where a girl occupied my thoughts this long--who am I kidding? I only remember one and a half years of my life.


Maxie Foreman


Someone whisper in my ear, at the same time I feel a light pressure on my side making me jolt lightly startle.

Looking up from my Book I frown when my eyes landed on a pretty brunette grinning widely at me.

"Um Hey?" I reiterate unsurely.

"I'm Tatum, my friends Call me Tate," she introduces herself her grin didn't falter. Okay? Did I ask her that? --no Maxie, she's making friends. My subconscious said. oh? Really? She looks--She's just a girl Maxie, I remind myself.

No wonder I don't have friends here, the first thought I have when someone introduces herself is a sarcastic remark. sigh inwardly and more sigh.

I clear my throat and so is my head and smile back."Um, I'm Maxie. Call me Max." I reply mustering a friendly voice.

"Great, hey listen, I saw your test result on Ethics the other day--yes we have the same Class, we actually sit next to each other, anyways, um. I got an F, I don't know why and I thought maybe if It's okay to see your answers?" She asks me. It's weird that she doesn't even look familiar. I mentally scowl at myself. I'm so self-absorbed.

Sarcastic, self-absorbed, pregnant at eighteen, got her heart broken by a fuvked up boy, and after six
Months she let him fucked her with no question ask then let him broke her heart all over again. and did I mention that he left? Again and then I found out I'm pregnant? I should call Oprah.

Why am I listing my accomplishments again? I mentally shake my head pushing the stupid thought far up my ass and focus on the girl in front of me. a potential friend, I could use one friend, right?

What are we talking about again? Oh--Ethics. great subject.

I nod my head at her, Ethics Test last Wednesday was torture, the professor assumes we studied the theories in high school and test our cognitive skills. luckily for me, my one-year break gives me a lot of opportunities to read all the books I needed this semester. I have a habit of reading anything.

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