College Service | t h i r t y - f i v e pt.2

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This is a really badly written chapter, please don't mind the spelling, just wrote this whole thing On my Ipad and Theres no spelling correction. Lol I only relies on the believe me..

Hope you enjoy this chapter despite all that, I'm feeling bleh about this but. Its a chapter that is something. And this is probably what you guys been waiting for.... So ... Okay.

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College Service | t h i r t y - f i v e pt.2

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I'm starting to feel the numbness as the fourth glass of black label run down my throat, the hot sting and oddly good sensation  swarm inside me, spreading in my stomach giving me uneasy feeling but good at the same time.

The alcohol is starting to jump start, and I'm loving how good it feels inside me. The loud buzz of my sorrounding that annoys me when I step inside starts to warm up to me. The strange feeling and ache is starting to fade away, I'm starting to forget. For the first time in weeks I feel slighty light, the tightness in my chest loosens up a little. I heave a long deep breath and close my eyes feeling everything aroud me, basking on it.

Not long after, I manage to take down a few more glasses, I stop counting when I reach the fifth glass, I feel my head bob into the loud  barring of music. Its starting to feel good, a little more than good.

The ache is completely gone. I feel my lips curve up a little loving how good it feels like being unable to see any flashback. I've forgotten. Even just for tonight.

I start my mission, the plan b and get off the bar stool I'm sitting at. My knees gone loopy and I stumble a little, lucky enough I'm not too bummed as My hand grip the bar stool not letting muself fall on my ass, the small action provides a lot of amusement in my head and I found myself laughing at my clumsiness, laughing feels good so let myself laugh. Like a mad person I am.

I feel something grab a hold of my elbow--rather someone, in reflex I look up with a frown and my laughter fades, looking up, my gaze feel into a brown unfamiliar eyes.

"You okay?" A feminine voice asks, concern. My frown deepens and yank my elbow out of her hold.

"Nahn yah beezniz beeech" I reply slurring the words out which erupt another round of laughter in my belly. I found everything I do amusing.

The lady looked at the me funny letting out  an annoy huff and scurry away. Her action put a stop on my laughter and I shake my head.

I feel funny really funny and I'm so fucking drunk. I loved it.

What I did drawn to me, I push the lady with brown eyes who tried to help me, she has a vagina! I remind myself I need a vagina. dick move on my part and frankly quite stupid. What am I doing pushing her away? I need her. I need to have fun. Realization hit me and I straighten, good thing that I'm not f*ckfaced drunk I'm still oddly aware of my action, my brain still function a little, I can still do what I'm here for.

I followed my line of sight and I got a glimpse of the brown-eyed-brunette who turn her back at me a little distance away, she met with her friends and they all look at my direction when She points at me. I smirk and wink at them, the brunette look away fast unlike her friends who openly ogle me and check me out.

Not bad, shy type, innocent not hard to fuck up. I like her. She reminds me of someo--don't go there.

A little voice interupts my thought and I instantly followed the advice. ignoring the little knot that tightens in my stomach.

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