College Service | t w e n t y - t h r e e

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This is a little longer than usual, but still NOT edited. Excuse the errors please.

Hope you enjuah. Just a warning though, this is very very very poorly written. I'm still trying to fight the writers block shebang.

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College Service | t w e n t y - t h r e e

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Victor's POV

Time like this usually always makes me resent myself for being such a hardheaded A-hole. Not that I always find myself at this type of circumstances. But close.

The wait for the cab to arrived is excruciating. It makes me contemplate on mothers insistence that I should just drive my car I left back home since it was mine anyways,  Since my accident and wiping my memory clean. It took me a very long time to accept that they're my parents. I know deep inside they are, theres familiarity but somehow It was hard to accept it, so I treated them as if they're strangers which they understand. It took me a very long time to call my mom and dad, Mom and Dad again, But its still hard to accept anything from them. It feels wrong for me.

So I had to work my ass off for the things I own right now. It was hard but I gave me a sense of pride. Call it stubbornness  or whatever but I call it independence. I hate relying on people specially them.

But now clearly I hate myself for it.

Damn stupid f*cking hardhead. Now Callum and I are freezing our ass off waiting for the cab. We've been standing here for five minutes and it feels like f*cking eon.

Finally, a cab pull up in front of us and we wasted no time to get inside like my ass is on fire.

Not long after we slide in, we are moving once Callum instructed the driver.

I still feel like I'm standing on the edge of the cliff, my hands are still clammy. I'm sick of not knowing anything.

"Do you know who's Tyler?" I ask Callum. My voice is a little hard ... To be honest I'm a little scared to find out. I don't know why though. Theres this knot in my stomach that tightens every times I guessed. I fear It might took me by surprise once I find out. But theres also anticipation and desperation.

"Yeah." He answer reluctantly.

"Who is he?" I ask a little impatiently so tired of his vague monosyllabic answers. Damn him for knowing everything about my girl.

I should be in his position.

He didn't answer instead he look away.

F*cking Callum. I fight the urge to snap at him. I had to remind myself that he had to sop jerking off (which for us guys would put us to a really lousy mood specially he wasn't able to got off,) just to accompany me to something that is clearly not our business.

What if Max doesn't want me to be there? What is the big deal anyway? The question is why am I so adamant to find out? Jesus if I know.

"Who is he Cal? Man tell me it's not like I'm not gonna  find out soon anyway." I mumble in a whiny voice.

Callum sigh and I look at him expectantly, he look like he is fighting himself, contemplating whether to tell me or not. It only makes me more impatient.

Finally he opened his mouth.

"Just don't judge her okay? Man this might be a deal breaker for you, knowing you." He utter vaguely again,

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