College Service | t h i r t y

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College Service | t h i r t y

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I was not prepared for this.

When I bolted up like a Na'Vi--a complete blue monkey and rushed to my mothers I was only protesting about the stupid arrange marriage.

But not this, never this.

"What are you saying?" I ask my hysterical mother, dumbfounded, mouth hanging open. Wtf?

"I'm sorry." She keeps on repeating, she's freaking out.

Why does she keeps on apologizing? What the hell is going on? It's starting to scare me, my mother, the mother of all logical things is freaking out.

"MOM! What the hell is going on?!" I roar once she knelt down in front of me. My eyes wide stupefied.

She mutter incoherent words, hiccuping something that sounds like "to protect you", my heart assaulted my chest vigorously almost knocking my chest off.

Holy shit. She's gone mental!

"Mother." I whisper kneeling down in front of her, I hate the sight in front of me, it breaks my heart, My chest expand from the air I breathe attempting to calm my racing heart and begrudgingly engulf my mom inside my arms.

"Hey .... whatever it is ... I-I forgive you, calm now mom, I--I'm sorry. Stop fucking crying for christ sake!" I murmur, to my surprise her sob hardens, she's shaking more.

Well f*ck. I bit my lower lip,


We stayed like this for three million years, my knees hurt and my shirt is soaked and I'm pretty sure she fell asleep, great. Just great. I let out an exasperated air and put my left arms under knees, my other on her nape and lift her with a grunt,

F*cking A, she's one heavy old woman. For her size, she sure weight a ton. What is she eating? Toasted bricks? And god damn, what just happen?

I shake my head inhaling sharply, I'm still mad as f*ck I want to destroy things.

Nothing was resolved, I need to f*cking know why she reacted like that, she's like Maxie, so weird. F*ckibg mental. Women.

I finally reach her room, kicking the door, I step inside and walk towards her bed and slowly put her down. She stir and groan being comfortable. I creepily watch her as I stand beside her bed.

My mom, she's a beautiful woman, but I look nothing like her, in fact I look nothing like my dad too, I always wonder where I get my look. My grand parents maybe? I never ask them. Whatever-but why am I wondering why I don't look like them now? Why these thoughts? I admit, waking up with having no idea about who you are do that to a person, but it's been a long time since the last time I doubted that. I feel easy with them and because of the familiarity I stopped asking question. I just started to believe every word they told me. I just trusted them.

But why do I feel like they've been feeding me bullshit?

What are they keeping?

Who am I really?

Am I really their son?

What the hell happened to me?

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