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Bruce's POV

I woke up feeling hot. I knew the cause of this. Vance was actually on top of me.

"Vance get off I'm overheating!" I told him. I hear him whine.

Vance has always been quite clingy with me ever since he ran away after our arguement we had.

"Vance get up"


He looks up at me so I grab his chin with my hand and squeeze his face like people do with kids.

I knew he hated this. He pulls my hand away and gets up.

I sit up with him  and he falls onto my chest.

"Vance we have to get up come on, we're going out with Robin and Finney today!"

After about 10 minutes he finally got ready.

We met up with Robin and Finney.

In the restaurent

Vance was looking at the menu and frowning. "Bruceee?"

"What Vance?"

I heard Finney and Robin giggling.

"I don't like any of this stuff on the menu!"

"Just get a burger and chips or something" I told him.

"But the burger has gherkins, onion, cabbage and tomatoes in!"

"Just ask them to take it out Vance!"

We finally ordered and Vance decided on what he was having.

An hour later

We left and went home.

Vance decided he wanted to lean against me.

We sat down on the couch and I felt him go limp.


I heard soft snores coming from him.

He was gonna be asleep for ages.

I headcannon Vance being a picky eater and clingy to Bruce

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