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-Vance is the only person kidnapped by the grabber

Vance's pov

I escaped. I actually escaped that hellhole. I'm currently on the front lawn trying to figure out my way to find help.

I'm stumbling. Before I killed him, he stabbed my leg . I have tears rolling down my face. "HELP!" I screamed.

I remember me and Bruce had a huge arguement before I got taken. I stormed out of his house and got taken halfway from it.

I felt arms wrap around me. "No! Get off of me!" I screamed trying to get out of their grip.

"Shhh it's ok it's just me Vance" my mum said.

"Mama?" I said through tears. She stroked my hair to calm me down which helped. She always did that to help me calm down if I came back from school crying when I was younger or when I had a nightmare.

We sat down on the lawn, she rocked us back and forth while I cling to her, sobbing.

Robin's POV

We were all walking to grab'n'go when two police cars and an ambulance sped past us.

We decided to follow them to see what it was about. I had finney's hand in mine while we walked to the place they parked up at.

When we looked we saw Vance's mum and...Vance!

Vance's POV

I was being questioned a lot. I looked up and spotted my friends. I saw Bruce staring at me.

I got up and limped over to him but got stopped by a police officer. "You can't go anywhere kid" he said.

"No I wanna see my friends" I replied. He looked over at the group of boys looking over at us.

"They can come over but you can't go anywhere for a bit ok?" He said so I nodded.

They all came over to me. "Bruce!" I called out and hugged him. He ran his fingers through my hair multiple times.

"I'm sorry..." I muttered. He rubbed my back and we all went back over to my mum.

I was still fragile and weak from being in the basement for god knows how many months.

As soon as we got back to where my mum was, I collapsed into Bruce.

Bruce's POV

I caught Vance after he collapsed. We laid him down on the grass as a paramedic came over. We then noticed why, his leg had been stabbed.

A week later

Vance was asleep on my chest while Robin, finney, Griffen and billy were all playing monopoly.

"Finney, for the last time you owe me 100!" Robin yelled.

"No I don't!" He shouted back.

"Can you all shut the fuck up? Vance is sleeping you know!" I said and they shut up.

Vance starting to toss and turn, trying to get out of my arms.

He started mumbling in his sleep, stuff I couldn't understand.

"NO!" He shouted and jolted up. He was breathing heavily and shaking.

"Hey shh shh it's ok I'm here" I whispered and started to rock him back and forth.

He calmed down a bit and rested against my chest.

I got his glass of water from the bedside table and gave it to him. "Thank you" he whispered and drank it.

We played board games and watched movies all night.

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