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Bruce's pov

Vance was sleeping peacefully so I got up to make breakfast. I felt a hand grab the back of my shirt when I tried to leave.

"Bruceee" he whined. I turn around to see a pale Vance. He looks sick.

"What's wrong V?" I asked him as he rubbed his eyes.

"Stay" he told me. I smiled at him and sat on the edge of the bed.

I ran my hand through his hair and that's when he got out of bed and ran to the bathroom.

I heard him throwing up. I walked in and sat next to him, rubbing his back. "Oh baby"

He stopped and wiped his mouth. He leant against me and I could hear quiet sobs coming from him.

I knew Vance hated being sick. Especially throwing up.

I helped him up and took him to bed. He lied down and grabbed my hand.

"Can you stay please?" He whispered.

"Im gonna go get you a drink ok?" I told him and he nodded.

A few minutes later, I came upstairs with a glass of water.

He took it from me and drank it.

"Robin and finney are coming today ok?" I told Vance and he nodded.

I went downstairs and heard footsteps behind me. I turned around to see Vance.

He walked closer to me and clinged to my arm.

We walked downstairs and I took him to the couch and put the TV on.

He started watching some show which was of kids falling over. I heard many laughs coming from him.

An hour later

A knock came to the door and it was Robin and finney.

I opened it and let them in.

"Vance isn't feeling well" I told them and they nodded.

Later that night

Vance was asleep on my chest as I had a bowl of popcorn on the table next to us.

Finney and Robin were cuddling on the floor.

Robin was chatting to me as finney had gotten up to get a drink.

"Bruceee?" I heard Vance say. I had my hand on his stomach so I moved my thumb up and down to tell him I was there.

"Yeah Vance?" I replied. He started whining about how his throat and head hurt.

"Maybe if you stopped talking your throat wouldn't hurt as much Vance" Robin joked which made Vance flip him off.

I got up to get Vance some medicine when he started whining.

"Vance I'll be 2 seconds" I told him.

I got back and gave him a glass of water with some medicine. He took them.

He scrunched up his face at the taste "why do these taste like grass?" He said.

"I don't fucking know Vance" I sighed.

Finney had come back with a huge glass of apple juice.

I take Vance up to bed as he's getting way to tired.

Vance flops onto the bed and falls asleep straight away.

The next day

Nobody's POV

Vance woke up feeling a bit better but still rubbish.

He wasn't being sick anymore but his stomach hurt so bad he started crying.

He shook  bruce awake. "Brucceee my stomach hurtssss" he whined.

Bruce got up to get him medicine again. He came back with it and gave it to him.

1 week later

Vance was better and not as clingy as he was. Right now, Bruce and Vance and cuddling.

"Bruce?" Vance said.

"Yeah baby?" He replied.

"Would you still love me if I was a worm?"


"But whyy?"

"Cause you'd be a fucking worm Vance and I'd be human"

"What about if I was a rat? Would you still love me if I was a rat?"

"No" Bruce laughed

Vance pouted and looked away.

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