S2E3: The struggles of loyalty

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In the Global Resistances base a funeral is held for Oliver and his soldiers as we see all the soldiers and rogue heros gather to honour the soldiers who have died. Y/n is at the front as they lower Oliver's coffin into the hole ans close it up.

Everyone then saluted to Oliver and his men as Y/n gets up on a small stage as he looks at the crowd and begins to say.

Y/n: Oliver and his men where good people. They stood up for what is right and died knowing their sacrifices and theie courage will never be forgotten. Vought and the sups may think of us as pathetic, weak or anything that may doubt other self's. But we will keep fighting and we will never stop until Vought and the sups will pay for their crimes. Those who have fallen died as true heroes. A real hero fight without powers or have a pure of heart to defend the weak and the good. At the end of the day......we are all true heroes and we will keep fighting and we will keep going until we have succeeded our goals. Let their sacrifice...never be forgotten.

Once that everyone begins to leaves and soon it was just Y/n as he goes around and looking at the graves of the soldiers who have died. He looks down at the grave of every singal soldiers who have fallen and can't help but feel ashamed. Being a leader is difficult for him especially when you have to keep his troops alive especially when it comes to sups.

He knows the risks but these soldiers sacrifice everything just so the world will see the corruption within the planet and the threat of the sups.

Tucker: Ever thought what happens if we do win this war?

Tucker was behind him as he looks at the graves and then turn to Y/n and ask him again.

Tucker: If we do end this war and end Vought and the seven.....what will happen then? Will things go back to normal?

Y/n: It's hard to say. But we keep fighting until it is done. The future maybe unknown but we can get through this together.

Tucker: Yeah. Still there's still one last question.

Y/n: If its about the unknown enemies that attacked Oliver and his men......I'm trying to work on that.

Tucker: Might be a sup. If that's so then who are those soldiers he or she is with?

Y/n: Unknown but we'll figure this out.......somehow.


At the Guardians Inc we see Sentinel troopers either training or marching through the base as we see Eric at the shooting range and shooting down some targets. While shooting he can't help but think about the heroes actions. He sees Homelander being aggressive to those around him, hero's taking on drugs and doing illegal things that cost the lives of innocents only to be swipe away by Vought.

He stops shooting and looks at the range for a moment when Reznya came in and walks over to Eric and tap him on the shoulder which startled him only to turn and see her.

Eric: Oh its you. Hey.

Reznya: Hi. You doing okay?

Eric: Yeah I'm doing good. Just......thinking.

Reznya:......About everything that is going on?

Eric: Yeah. It's just.....meeting the heroes is always my dreams since i was a little kid. I wanted to meet them but when my time came I was.....I was not what I suspected. They act more like villains then heroes. They may act more like gods. Looking down on us because of what we are.

Reznya: I understand what you mean.

Eric: I do wanted to say something but I don't want to risk you or our team for anything they will do to us.

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