S2E4: The three stealth men

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It was the middle of the night in the large city of Chicago as we see cars driving by and the streets is filled with people walking by as the news reports of the attacks by the Global Resistances and to aware of anyone who maybe apart of it.

Then we cut to alleyway where we see a man being mugged by three men as he was beaten up and thrown to the ground. They approaches the man about to steal his money when suddenly an arrow zoom by and hits the wall and smoke came out.

The men were covered by the smoke and then a figure begins to beat them up and once the smoke clears up the man sees Red Arrow as he drops one of the thugs and then turn to the man and then motion his head to get out of here.

He agree and he ran off while Red Arrow climbs up the wall and get onto the roof just as Liam called him through the radio.

Liam: (radio) What's the hold up?

Red Arrow: Just doing a bit of good.

Liam: (radio) Well while you were doing that I'm already in position. Just waiting in you.

Red Arrow: Copy that.

He make his way to the location as he leap onto roof to roof avoiding the police or anyone as best he can do. He fire a Arrow with a rope attached to climb up to roof and keeps on going.

A while later he finally arrived at the location which was Voughts information facility as Red Arrow kneel down and look at the facility. He sees a lot of Sentinel Soldiers at the entrance and at the other side of the fence.

Red Arrow: I'm in position. Updates on Luke?

Liam: (radio) He's already in.

Red Arrow: Remind me again why we are here?

Liam: (radio) There is this new hero that recently joined the Seven. Her name is Stormfront and she has the ability to use lighting. We need to know information about her.

Red Arrow: I'm gonna take some guesses on what they cover up about her. She either a child killer, spoil girl, hates black people or just a psychopath just like Homelander.

Liam: (radio) One way to find out. I have your back and Luke is already in their.

Red Arrow: Copy that.

Red Arrow fires an arrow with a rope attached to the other side and the Arrow hits a wall. Red Arrow slide his way to the other side and then he roll onto the roof and looks around.

He sneakily make his way to the roof top door until a door open which he immediately hide behind a roof terminal as a Sentinel soldier step onto the roof and walks over to the edge.

Red Arrow sees this and sneak over to the door and catches the door before it can close as Red Arrow slide his body through the cracks and got inside and slowly shit the door.

He walk down the zig way like steps until he arrived at floor 4. He cracks the door open a bit and poke his head out and looks around and seeing the ghost is clear.

He enter the hallway and sneak his way through. He soon noticed the cameras are offline meaning Luke must hev dealt with them already.

Red Arrow keeps going and soon he was coming up a corner and hears footsteps coming his way. Red Arrow leaps up and stuck onto the ceiling as two Sentinel soldier turn a corner and walk by him.

He watch them walking away and then he land on his feet and turn a corner. He keeps going until he stop at a corner and poke his head out to see Sentinel Soldiers in front of the data room.

Red Arrow: (whisper) Liam need you to cut off the lights for me.

Liam: (radio) Roger that.

We then cut to Liam laying in the ground with his sniper rifle aimed at the Vought facility as he look around until he found a power box.

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