A New Year, New Encounters

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Hi, I've had this story in my head for YEARS, and I finally decided to put it down on "paper" hehe.Here, everyone is human, with magic. And the universe here is inspired a bit by Red Queen, just imagine their pony universe but with some technologies, like cameras, internet, etc.

I made an aesthetic for each important character, and each chapter will feature someone. This one is for our lovely Pinkie!


Winter of 3071

During the night, while the snow fell incessantly, shining under the light of the full moon, its freezing cold contrasted against the blazing heat of the flames that enveloped the desperate soldiers and civilians seeking escape. Explosions echoed everywhere, houses turned into rubble, while in the center of the great city of Crystal, the enormous crystalline castle collapsed, fragment by fragment.

Inside the castle, chaos persisted, with destruction and turmoil dominating every corner. Deafening sounds of the wounded moaning and hurried footsteps filled the ash-covered air. However, amidst this pandemonium, a certain type of silence reigned over the top of the castle. In the room without walls, with crystal pedestals supporting the once sparkling ceiling under the moonlight, the great Empress Amore, with her porcelain-like pale skin, lay amidst shards of glass and crystals, amidst her long curls of soft pink, turning purple at the tips. The empress's armor was like her, enveloped in soot and blood, in pieces. Tears streamed down the empress's golden eyes, who had lost hope in the face of her destroyed empire and the recent loss of her husband, who had departed, in a few minutes on the battlefield, without even knowing that within Amore, a tiny heart of only six weeks was beating, warming the mother's soul.

Even as she lay prostrate on the ground, Amore struggled to rise and face the one responsible for her sadness. Before her stood a man, with hair as dark as the shadows that seemed to float above his head, King Sombra watched her, with his blood-red eyes, piercing like ancient flames, devoid of any sign of empathy for the fallen empress. His sword, dark gray as charcoal, was held in the monarch's hand, ready to finish his work.

- It didn't have to be this way, Amore. You know that - declared the king with his dragging and grave voice, passing his free hand over the beautiful deadly sword.

- Don't come posing as a saint now - retorted Amore with hatred, spitting blood as she still tried, unsuccessfully, to rise.

Sombra raised a dark eyebrow that contrasted against his pale, somewhat ashen skin - Please, don't try to blame me for this... You know whose fault this really is, don't you?

The empress stared at him with hatred, keeping her head held high, unbreaking eye contact. Sombra laughed mockingly at Amore's response - Let's just get this over with, Your Majesty... - the king approached speaking with disgust "Your Majesty." 

With a stern face, Sombra raised the sword, determined to finish what he started, while Amore closed her eyes and breathed deeply, already accepting her fate. However, before the sword could descend upon the empress's body, a flash of intense light struck her along with Sombra, sending him flying away from the empress 

- Step away from her, Sombra - commanded Celestia, until then a princess and future queen of Equestria. Her voice was filled with anger.

The golden armor accentuating the princess's dark skin, shining as well as her hand extending toward Sombra, while the other hand beside her body gripped her bloodied golden sword. Her younger sister, Princess Luna, with her silver-blue armor that made her eyes even bluer, stood in an attacking position by her side.

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