Intrigues, Friendships, Training, and Gossip

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A few weeks after the last event, the girls, together with the royal sisters, decide to keep their connection with the Elements of Harmony a secret. In their plant physiology class, Fluttershy and Applejack meet a new student, Tree Hugger, who was previously a nomad. Rainbow and Rarity have a slight conflict with Trixie before being called to the principal's office, where Queen Celestia is waiting for them along with the other girls. During their conversation about being the Elements of Harmony, they discover that they each have a special magical gift. It is decided that they will start training with Princess Luna. Rainbow, the only one already training, takes the girls to see the training grounds. In the afternoon, Pinkie, working at the Sugar Loaf, sees Twilight and Flash on a "date". In the evening, during a sleepover, the girls talk about the upcoming Grand Galloping Ball and share their expectations and anxieties.


Autumn of 3091

During the sunny afternoon, at the back of Encantia, a vast field stretched out, bathed in the golden rays of the setting sun. The lush green grass swayed gently in the soft breeze. At the center of this scene, the open training field for flying stood out, with various structures meticulously erected meters above the ground. These obstacles, skillfully arranged, challenged the practitioners to fly with agility and precision, testing their agility and control.

The structures varied in height and complexity, some simply suspended in the air, while others rose in intricate spirals, requiring skillful maneuvers to overcome. Laughter and exclamations of success echoed, interspersed with the soft sound of wings beating against the air. While some students gracefully soared through the skies, others gathered in circles on the ground, chatting during the training.

Rainbow walked across the lawn, heading towards two girls who sought shelter from the hot sun in the shade of Encantia's walls.

-Am I late?- Rainbow asked playfully, dropping her backpack in the corner of the wall.

-When aren't you?- the first girl said, of medium build and strong, her eyes and hair a vibrant yellow, like the sun.

-Spitfire hasn't had her coffee yet,- the taller girl, her almost white-blue hair falling beside her face. Fleetfoot smiled, leaning her elbow on Spitfire's shoulder. -You know how she is, a sweetheart without caffeine.

Rainbow laughed, leaning against the wall. -You better not get too close to her, then, Fleet.

The two laughed as Spitfire rolled her eyes. -Still wondering why I hang out with you two...

A whistle drew the attention of the three, the coach was in the center of the field, below the metal hoops, a group of students had gathered near him.

-Good afternoon to everyone here. Finally, the court has been released for training,- the coach said, smiling at the students. -Today will be basic, each one will complete the circuit, I will note your time and skills, and we will try to improve until the end of the year.

-I've been training a lot, maybe I'll beat your record,- Fleetfoot teased Rainbow.

-Impossible, if you manage, I'll do your assignments for three months straight.

Spitfire rolled her eyes with a smile on her lips. -Not that you do your assignments right...

-Wildflow,- called the coach, attracting the attention of the three again. -You can go.

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