Rotten Orchards and Sacred Lands

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In the previous chapter, Rainbow discovers a new competitor in her flying lessons, Soarin. Fluttershy shares her secret garden with Tree Hugger, bringing the two closer together. The first day of training begins, with only Rarity, Fluttershy and Rainbow having some problems controlling their magical gift. As well as the physical training, where Rainbow excels, Applejack and Pinkie manage to do well, unlike Twilight, Rarity and Fluttershy. In the evening Applejack and Twilight go to the Sugarloaf to help Pinkie with a package, during which they talk about Flash and his ex Sunset Shimmer.

I'm going to start posting the aesthetic of the romantic pairs of the girls now. I think you can guess who's who, but if not, just ask ;)


Autumn of 3091

Rarity's dorm room was lively, as it always was when she had her friends gathered. The walls were adorned with fashion posters and photos of both families, and a light lavender scent filled the air, coming from a diffuser in the corner of the room. Rarity was in the corner near the balcony, with a measuring tape, taking Twilight's waist measurements.

Twilight tried to stay still, but still moved slightly, trying not to laugh as Rarity wrapped the measuring tape around her waist.

- That tickles.

Rarity rolled her eyes slightly with a gentle smile on her face - Darling, that's completely normal. Now, please, try to stay perfectly still - she adjusted the tape once again and made quick notes in her glitter-covered notepad.

In the corner of the room, Rainbow was lying sprawled on her back on Applejack's bed, with her phone in hand. Meanwhile, on the fluffy purple rug on the floor, Fluttershy and Pinkie were busy playing with Opal, Rarity's grumpy cat.

-I'm so glad we can have our pets in the dorms,- Fluttershy commented, petting Opal, who purred contentedly. Opal had a white fur coat and bright green eyes, and always seemed to know when she was being praised. Pinkie tried to pet the cat too, but was stopped as Opal opened her mouth and showed her claws. Pinkie quickly recoiled.

-Opal has her preferences,- Fluttershy laughed, continuing to pet the cat. Opal's purring increased, and Fluttershy smiled from ear to ear, clearly pleased.

Rarity chuckled as she took Twilight's measurements. She knew her grumpy cat well. Fluttershy really had a way with animals.

-Fluttershy, darling, you'll be next to take measurements.

A bored sigh came from the bed - -So much fuss over a dance,- Rainbow rolled her eyes.

-Rainbow, hush, please,- Rarity said, adjusting her reading glasses, jotting down Twilight's measurements in her notebook.

-I think taking measurements is pretty cool,- Pinkie chimed in, appearing out of nowhere next to Rainbow, catching her by surprise. The pink-haired girl laughed before bouncing over to Fluttershy.

Rainbow made a face -Lucky Applejack dodged this.

Rarity threw a brush in Rainbow's direction, catching her off guard again. -Applejack was the first!- Rarity replied, turning to Twilight. -I took her measurements before she left for Sweet Apple Acres.

-Applejack is brave,- Twilight commented, her arms obediently extended for Rarity to measure. -Yesterday's training was so intense; I don't know if I'd have the strength to work on the farm after that.

Rarity nodded, focused on the measurements. -Yes, Applejack is truly dedicated. Oh, I still can't believe we're really going to the Grand Galloping Gala! Celestia and Luna were so kind to invite us.

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