The Adventure Has Barely Begun

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In the previous chapter, Twilight receives a call from her brother informing her that Nightmare Moon is no longer in Encantia. On their way to the abandoned castle, a human-dragon appears and blocks their path. To allow them to continue, Rarity sacrifices her ring and gives it to the dragon, who accepts the gift. Near the castle, the girls discover that the bridge is broken. Rainbow decides to fix it, but Nightmare Moon, who was nearby, tries to convince her to change sides. Rainbow refuses the offer and returns to her friends. Inside the castle, Twilight is captured by Nightmare Moon and, during the confrontation, discovers that she and her friends are the true Elements of Harmony. Together, they manage to defeat Nightmare Moon, who turns back into Luna. They all return to Encantia, where Luna awakens her sister Celestia, who was under a sleeping spell.


Autumn of 3091

It had been a few weeks since the previous events. A unanimous decision was made by the girls, along with Celestia and Luna, to keep what happened in the old palace a secret. The story told to the public was that a part of Luna remained conscious and managed to fight against the curse. This also helped to restore the princess's image. Besides the girls, Spike also knew what had happened since he had seen their armor, which soon disappeared when they arrived back at the school.

Now, within the gardens of Encantia, inside the grand greenhouse with its stained glass windows, the air was filled with fresh and earthy aromas from the various plants and flowers filling the space. The plants displayed a fascinating variety of shapes, colors, and sizes, creating a lush setting that sparked curiosity. Some of them reached high towards the light, while others spread along the ground, creating a natural tapestry of leaves and petals.

In the center of the greenhouse, near a movable chalkboard, stood Zecora, the botany teacher. Her dark skin and black hair streaked with gray indicated that she was from Djenneigh, the capital of Zebradwe.

Fluttershy and Applejack entered the greenhouse together, chatting animatedly. Since their adventure in the Forest of Freedom, the six girls had been talking and forming a friendship.

Fluttershy smiled, placing her backpack next to her bench. -I still haven't gotten used to entering the classroom with a friend.

-I know, it's strange not just talking to my cousins,- Applejack replied, taking her things out of her bag and placing them on the wooden table. -But it's also nice. Normally, Brad would be here, but apparently, he dropped out of plant physiology. Schedule conflict.

-What a shame,- Fluttershy said as she copied her friend, placing her materials on the table.

-Good morning, students!- Zecora called, drawing everyone's attention. -I hope you're excited to put into practice what we've covered in the last two classes. But first, let's form groups to facilitate the work.

A new student observed the classroom. Her light brown skin shimmered with the reflected lights from the stained glass windows, and her purple eyes, soft as a distant twilight, searched for someone to join for the activity. She ended up choosing Fluttershy and Applejack.

-Hi, sorry to interrupt. My name's Tree Hugger, I'm new here, arrived yesterday. Can I join you?

-Of course, Tree!- Applejack smiled at the newcomer. -Make yourself at home. I'm Applejack, and this is Fluttershy.

-Hi,- Fluttershy waved timidly.

Tree Hugger smiled at them and pulled up a bench, sitting next to Fluttershy. -Hi! I'm a bit new to all this, so I hope you don't mind.

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