Let The Ball Begin

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Rarity starts creating dresses for the Grand Galloping Ball. At the farm, Applejack and Caramel receive a message from Braeburn, informing them of problems in Appleloosa. Determined to help, Applejack decides to go there, and Caramel warns her friends, who join the mission. When they arrive in Appleloosa, the sheriff explains that there are conflicts with the neighboring tribe. During a visit to the apple orchard, Rainbow and Pinkie are captured by the tribe. The sheriff promises to rescue them, but Applejack, Rarity and Twilight decide to act on their own and plan a night rescue. In the tribe, Little Strongheart, a young native girl, tells Rainbow and Pinkie about the origin of the conflict between her tribe and the residents of Appleloosa. When Twilight, Applejack and Rarity arrive, the chief of the tribe talks to them and they manage to reach an agreement. The next morning, the sheriff meets with the chief of the tribe to formalize the peace. The problem is solved, but something strange catches everyone's attention: the mysterious appearance of chocolate and whipped cream in the apple orchards.


Autumn 3091

The weather in Canterlot was beautiful, clear skies even in the middle of fall, it seemed as if the heavens knew what day it was, the big night of the Galloping Ball. In one of the largest hotels in the city, in the heart of Equestria, the girls found themselves packing their bags. The room they're staying in is huge, with six king-size beds, huge windows with soft, almost transparent curtains.

- I still can't thank you enough, Fancy - Rarity opens her suitcase on one of the sofas in the room, grinning from ear to ear - To get a room this big at the last minute!

- And for free - Applejack almost shouts from the closet where she's stuffing her suitcase into one of the drawers.

Fancy shrugs her shoulders slightly shyly - It was nothing, Rarity, when your parents get divorced, any request comes true. And besides, my father has more rooms in the hotel, so he won't lose out.

- Nevertheless, thank you very much - Rarity pulls out her suitcase and hugs her friend. Fancy instinctively returned the hug, smiling. After a short moment, he pulls away, running his hand through his blue curls.

- Well, I'd better be going. Let you two get ready in peace.

Fancy left, receiving a few more "thank yous" and "see you laters", leaving the girls alone.

- I'm so, so, so, so, so excited for tonight! - Pinkie exclaims, jumping on the bed.

- Be careful not to break the crazy bed! - Rainbow says, sitting on the edge of her own bed. Pinkie stops just as she's asked, still smiling with excitement.

- I know you're excited, sweetie - Applejack says, coming out of the closet with a smile, fixing her country hat on her head - You just don't have to destroy the room.

- This is the biggest ball in Equestria! - Pinkie falls backwards onto the bed - I can't wait to meet all those amazing people, dance my ass off and eat all that delicious food!

Applejack laughs, shaking her head as she approaches Pinkie.

- I know you love parties, Pinkie, - she replied, with a fond look, sitting down next to the rosy-cheeked girl, - but I really don't see the point in this kind of event. I'm going more to avoid making a mess of Celestia and Luna.

Rarity began to take out several black envelopes from her suitcase, inside which were the dresses they would be wearing. She looks at Applejack sympathetically.

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