Reign Of The Night - Part 1

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In the previous chapter, Twilight, along with Pinkie and Fluttershy, has her first class on the history of the kingdoms. The teacher gives an overview of each one, and Twilight discovers that her roommate is the daughter of King Sombra, who caused a war years ago. Additionally, it is announced that the Summer Solstice Festival will take place at Encantia. Twilight also has her first robotics class, where she meets Flash, a boy who, like her, enjoys combining magic with technology. During the break, Applejack and her cousin bump into Caramel, who is showing a new student around the school. During the interaction, Caramel accidentally compliments Applejack, becoming embarrassed and leaving in a hurry. A few days later, as Applejack walks to the gym, she overhears an argument between Celestia and Luna, with Luna sounding very angry. Putting the argument aside, Applejack heads to the gym, where she meets Pinkie and Fluttershy. At night, Twilight goes to Pinkie and Fluttershy's room, and the three of them excitedly prepare for the Summer Solstice Festival.


Summer 3091

Night descended gently over Ponville, painting the sky with warm shades of orange and pink that gradually gave way to a starry darkness. The soft aroma of night flowers lingered in the air as the Summer Solstice festival illuminated the halls of Encantia. The soft lights hanging around reflected in every corner, on the colorful flags that danced gently with the breeze coming through the open windows.

People slowly arrived and gathered in the hall inside, all dressed in festive attire. Laughter and lively voices filled the room as friends reunited, some dancing to the light melody that played through the air. 

In the center of the ballroom, Rarity looked stunning in a long wine-colored dress that hugged her well-defined silhouette. Delicate details in her dress shimmered in a soft blue. The girl moved gracefully as she danced with Fancy, who was dressed in an elegant light blue silk suit with a dress shirt as white as snow underneath. Between dance steps, Rarity and Fancy exchanged lively conversations, sharing laughter amidst the other guests.

Near the food tables, Twilight dazzled in a light blue dress with several layers. The top part of the dress was a semi-strapless design with a delicate strap on the left side. Beside her, Fluttershy radiated serenity in a long, light green dress with sheer straps that gently draped over her shoulders. A few feathers delicately adorned the length of the dress. Pinkie, smiling near the girls, showcased a festive dress full of white, yellow, and purple. Its multiple layers formed a voluminous skirt.

- Staying up all night was worth it! - exclaimed Pinkie, serving herself another glass of red fruit juice.

Twilight smiled in agreement with her friend - Yes, you're right, Pinkie. I can't wait for the queen's arrival.

- It's magnificent - said Fluttershy beside her - The dance of lights she does with the sun rays... It's indescribable.

- This punch is delicious! - Pinkie appeared between the two - It just needs pepper!

- Pepper? In juice? - Twilight asked, somewhat incredulous.

- Yes, silly! Is there any pepper here? - Pinkie asked, searching for the hot sauce on the table, while her two friends smiled at her.

Applejack approached them, the farm girl standing out in a dress of green and red tones, the fabrics flowing smoothly over her body. The bodice, adorned with flowers, showcased a handcrafted aesthetic.

- You look very pretty, Applejack-  Fluttershy complimented her as she arrived.

- Thank you, sweetie, you all look beautiful too! - Applejack turned to Twilight - Haven't seen you before, are you new?

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