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Hearing the door open and Charlie calling we both make our way downstairs "Why was I told one of you broke a school camera?"

"He ran up and started taking photos of us without our permission" I answer.

"So you broke school property?" He demands.

"We have rights to privacy and personal space, we did not give permission for him to take our photo or be all over us while doing it" Becca snarks.

Charlie huffs stomping past us to the kitchen, he comes back opening a beer and sitting down taking a drink "You girls were kicked out of your last school for skipping classes and causing problems, I agreed to take you and make sure you went to school" he says glaring at us "You both were fighting at school and while there's no proof, you put two classmates in the hospital"

We both look at each other before looking back at him not speaking "What will it take for you both to finish the school year without causing problems, I understand defending yourself or wanting personal space, but I need you both to finish school" he says sounding frustrated.

"We want to go to Italy this summer" we both answer together.

He frowns looking at us "How much are you needing?"

"500$ short" I answer.

Charlie nods taking a drink "If you finish the school year without fighting and go to all your classes, I will cover what you need" he finally says after watching us both.

Nodding we sit down on the couch "Billy and Jake should be here soon" he finally says "I'm ordering pizzas what do you girls want?"

"Pepperoni and pineapple" Becca answers, Charlie looks at me and I nod.

Hearing a truck pull up and then knocking I stand up opening the door to see Billy being pushed by Jacob, stepping back I let them in and move back to the couch "Hey Bella" Jacob says smiling at me.

"Hi" I mumble not looking at him.

"We have to finish unpacking" Becca says calmly, we both stand heading for the stairs.

"I'll call for you girls when dinner gets here" Charlie says.

Heading up to our room we close the door loudly then crack it open again after a few moments Billy speaks up "Charlie something is wrong with them, after everything you've told me I think they will end up hurting someone".

"No, they are just different they are more comfortable with each other after how Renee raised them" Charlie says.

"What about those imaginary friends they had? They talked about them being burned alive, then came back to life and started killing people, that's not normal that's psychopath thinking" Billy harshly whispers.

"There is nothing wrong with them, they just had overactive imaginations as children, they are just having a hard time finding themselves now drop it" Charlie says harshly.

Becca rolls her eyes while hanging up a pair of ripped black skinny jeans I smirk at her helping her hang up our clothes.

"I know they're twins but why do they always have to match and wear so much black?" Jake asks.

"It's just what they like" Charlie says sounding annoyed.

Becca moves to close the doors fully and we sit on one of the beds, she opens a lockbox placing the money we stole inside, and see two Pocket knives that were given to us by a woman we know "Wonder where she's at" Becca says frowning.

I smile picking up my knife and open it "She's probably out there killing people, tormenting them till they beg for death".

Becca chuckles nodding "Like that day she taught us" she adds shivering happily.

The witch twins mates (Edited Jun. 27. 2024)Where stories live. Discover now