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End of the school day

Angela comes over smiling happily "Hey there's a get-together at La Push tonight are you going?"

"Sure" I answer shrugging.

Rosalie rolls her eyes leaving us to walk away with her family.

Angela shifts looking at us "Sorry" she says softly.

Becca waves her off "Don't worry about it".

"Who was the woman that brought you guys food?" She asks.

"Oh, that was our step-sister she's planning on visiting for a while" Becca says smiling and perfectly lying.

I nod frowning at seeing James under the hood of the truck Charlie bought us "Who's
messing with your truck?" Angela asks looking at it.

"That's our sister's husband" Becca says smirking as we get closer.

"Find any problems?" I ask looking in by him.

"A lot" he grunts shaking his head "It's a piece of a shit hunk of junk and whoever worked on it didn't know shit" he adds closing it.

"I'll be by this weekend to work on it, it should be fine till then just keep it under 40".

We both nod as he walks off shaking his head.

Angela looks at him then us "Your sister's husband is different" she says slowly.

Becca nods hopping into the hood "Yeah but he's cool, his friend is probably going to help him work on the Rust Bucket".

Angela nods "I'll see you tonight bye" she says happily after seeing her ride motioning for her to hurry.

I sigh hopping up by Becca "I don't know why I agreed to go".

"Neither do I" Becca says smirking.

Hearing people walking toward us I turn my head seeing the Cullens by us "What?" I snark noticing everyone's left.

"How do you know about vampires and why can't I read your mind or Alice see you in
visions" the messy-haired guy demands in a whiny voice glaring at us.

I frown looking to Becca who laughs "Oh my God, I knew it, he's a whiny bitch" she says doubling over.

I chuckle seeing her holding her stomach laughing "It's not your business".

"I warned you they wouldn't answer your demands she's correct it's none of your business" Rosalie says leaning in the driver's door like she's bored.

They tense up growling when Victoria, James, and Laurent run up while Rosalie nods to them.

"Is there a reason you are harassing my daughters?" James demands glaring at them.

"You know the law humans who know are either turned or killed".

"Really Edward? You want to challenge three vampires much older than you?" Rosalie scoffs.

Victoria chuckles looking at him "They will be changed soon the kings already know and agreed to this but you're more than welcome to call and demand to know why".

Edward starts talking again I turn looking at Victoria "Mom, Dad I'm bored and his voice is annoying, can we leave now we have to get ready to annoy the puppies?" I ask pouting.

Victoria nods as James nudges us along "Go on home girls and we will be patrolling your home, we found his scent all over your room" James adds glaring at Edward.

Getting in I wave to Rosalie "You will stay away from my daughters or I'll kill you, boy" James says watching Edward closely.

Pulling away I drive the short trip to the house and pull in grunting when I have to shift gears to park, pressing the emergency break I huff climbing out and walking into the house.

Charlie sits on his chair drinking a beer,walking past him I grab another handing him it "Charlie you remember our friend Victoria right?" I ask.

He nods opening his new drink "Older redhead sounds Irish took care of you two when you're mom was out with her boyfriends for days".

"Yeah, she took a trip here to see how we're doing and brought us food at lunch, her boyfriend was checking out Rust Bucket he said he will be by this weekend to work on it" I say.

He sighs looking at us both "So you're telling me that this weekend while I work a man I don't know is going to be here".

"Technically two men and Victoria" Becca adds acting uninterested.

"Is that supposed to make it better?" He grunts glaring at us.

"You know Victoria and how she is about us" I add trying to stop an argument.

He grunts taking a drink then leaves the room I sigh looking at Becca who shrugs, Charlie comes back handing us both small cans of pepper spray "I know you both trust Victoria but I'd prefer you have protection, spray them in the face, and run, do not fight" he says gruffly.

We both look at him and frown "Just Humor me girls, I'd feel better about it this way".

I nod looking at Becca who sighs "We were invited to La Push by Angela Webber tonight" she says calmly.

Charlie nods taking a drink "She's a good girl, be a good friend for you both" he says slowly "Alright you can go, seeing as you're finally making friends" he adds.

We both nod leaving to change "Bella" he calls and I stop looking at him as Becca continues.

"Leah Clearwater is still there, maybe you can be her friend again, Sam broke her heart" he
adds slowly.

I nod turning and heading up to the room closing the door behind me "What'd he want?"

"Wants us to try getting Leah to be our friend again, Sam broke her heart apparently" I answer
pulling on black pants.

Becca nods pulling on a shirt with a skull that has roses in the eyes dripping blood.

Finishing dressing we walk downstairs to the kitchen grabbing a snack before heading out.

The witch twins mates (Edited Jun. 27. 2024)Where stories live. Discover now