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Sitting in a room with Becca I frown smelling something sweet and musty like old dirt before the
door opens and a tan hand comes in "Am I safe to come in?"

"Yes" I mumble knowing it's Leah.

She comes in looking at us both then whistles "Damn you both look good" she says laughing.

I frown looking at Becca while she looks at me she's paler, with red eyes, and her hair is darker with red and blonde highlights mixed in.

Leah steps closer "Come look at yourselves".

Getting up we follow her to the bathroom standing in front of the mirror, I see Becca and I still look identical but I have more red than Blonde highlights.

"We can't take them out hunting yet James I think we need to give them a few days to adjust" I hear Victoria say.

"Then what do we do for them to eat?" James asks.

"We will have to go out and get them people I've never seen newborns act like this, they hardly speak and have latched onto each other" Victoria says sounding worried "Has anyone
seen a newborn like them? Did we mess up when we changed them?" She adds.

"Maybe it's because they have two different venoms in them, they changed faster than normal" Eleazar adds.

"Okay everyone keep in mind they can hear you all talking about them we do not want them thinking we think something is wrong with them, they have exceeded multiple expectations it's not a bad thing it's impressive" Carman adds.

"Of course they have, I'm just worried" Victoria hisses.

"Okay, I know everyone here used to play with dinosaurs but they are hyper-focused, I think they have latched onto the one constant in their life and by doing so it's grounding them, they can focus because they have each other" Rosalie snarks.

"We are not that old" I hear everyone answer hotly.

"Whatever you all need to remember they are the second twins ever to be turned together,
Only six people have seen how a close twin relationship shows in newborns now, I think after we teach them how to eat without making a mess then we can take them hunting like everyone does with any newborn".

"Rose is right" Tanya says calmly.

I look to Leah who smiles "Are you ready to join the family?"

Nodding we follow her out seeing everyone in the living room looking worried at the Human
woman that stays here, I tense feeling Becca tighten her hold on my hand as I take a step back pulling Becca with me making her focus on me.

Tanya stands up leading her out the door before closing it and coming back in "I'm impressed you didn't attack her".

"She's nice" Becca grunts.

"You didn't attack because she was nice to you?" Kate asks confused.

I nod before looking around "Can we start learning now?" I ask.

"Sure we can start teaching you what do you want to start with?" Victoria asks.

"Controlling our gifts" I mumble seeing Eleazar nod, we follow him out the back door.

2 days later

Dodging Leah's jaws I flip out of the way and push myself into the air over Tanya's head before I
run climbing a tree.

I drop forward dodging Kate's sneak attack then grab her ankle and toss her away from me before hitting the ground in a roll.

"Very good Bella, I believe you have learned to copy Victoria's gift" Eleazar says proudly I nod smiling.

The witch twins mates (Edited Jun. 27. 2024)Where stories live. Discover now