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One week later

Sitting down I practice meditation like Ruth has been teaching me and sway side to side humming, while grazing the grass underneath my fingers and taking a deep breath.

"Someone's coming" Charlotte says running past.

"Let them" I order grabbing her leg causing her to fall and dragging me behind her, rolling I land on her back settling back into meditating while blocking her voice out.

I shiver looking around and see the Cullens's new area before spotting Jasper throwing a newborn while pacing calmly.

I grunt dropping back on my back "Daughter of a cock sucking bastard" I hiss glaring at Charlotte.

Snarling I jump on her trying to pin her only to end up with my feet behind my head, that's turned to the side with Charlotte's hands pulling slightly "You're dead hon" she says smugly.

Kicking my feet to get free I feel her grab my legs under her arm twisting her body around before flipping me to my stomach, pressing one foot between my shoulders and the other on my head while holding my legs she leans backward pulling my legs up behind my back "disabled and dead".

Feeling her get off me I snarl darting forward grabbing her arm throwing her over me to the ground before grabbing her head only to end up with her hands on my head twisting as well "Risk" she says calmly "Be faster than your enemy, you need to learn to better protect your head Bella".

Letting her go I roll my shoulders nodding before I stand up getting ready for another practice fight "Any luck with your Astro?" She asks charging me.

Flipping her over me before I kick her in the back "I've seen their area for a few seconds" I grunt as we hear the people coming closer, I know Ruth went with Tanya to see who was coming but I know it's James, Victoria, and Roselie.

Charlotte and I circle each other faking attacks to try to trick each other "Isabella" Victoria says sternly.

"Hi Mom, hi Dad" I say watching Charlotte "Enough" Ruth orders making her stop.

Turning I see Jane sat meditating unbothered by everything she took to it easily and her temper has calmed down a lot, looking back at Victoria I smile trying to look sweet.

"Do not try that with me Bella" Victoria says glaring at me "Your sweet face is a lie" she growls.

Throwing my hands up I huff "Bella stop poking wild animals, Bella stop tricking the human children into eating peppers, Bella don't set human houses on fire, Bella stop poking the vampires, Bella stop biting other children, Bella you can't put the other human kids in the ICU" I say mimicking her voice perfectly "you always stop my fun" I finish glaring at her.

She sighs glaring at me "Because you will get yourself killed or draw attention to yourself doing that shit Isabella".

"It's not my fault the humans are stupid and judgemental assholes, don't like being rejected or think I'm interested in their limp dick fuck boy boyfriend. If they left me alone I wouldn't have had to hurt them"

Victoria snarls looking at me "You almost got arrested twice I had to sneak in remove the evidence and remove witnesses, when you killed your classmates they were planning to push for the death penalty".

Crossing my arms I huff looking down "It was my first time I panicked" I mumble.

"I told you I would help but no you had to go off risking your life then and now you have pulled Maria out of her retirement, after picking a fight with her then managed to get Jane to change someone for what?" she growls.

Shrugging I bite my lip "I don't know I just knew that her changing was important and needed to happen" I say nervously.

Glancing at Roselie I see her watching us with a bored look "You bring her out right now Bella" Victoria orders.

Sighing I call for Glory to come out "Mom this is Gloria I call her Glory" I say softly.

Roselie smiles strutting up while flashing a bright beautiful smile "Hello I'm Roselie Hale" she says purring seductively

Looking at Glory I see her looking at Roselie with a goofy smile then smirk looking at Victoria "See she needed to be changed" I say smugly.

The witch twins mates (Edited Jun. 27. 2024)Where stories live. Discover now