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Stepping closer to the woman I tilt my head frowning at her before poking her arm "Okay Bloody, I need you to tell me where to find her so I can punch her it's really important" I say smiling at her.

Being yanked up I huff as James tosses me over his shoulder "We will leave you alone and thank you for your support" he says with a confident smile while Mom exchanges contact information with her.

He takes off in the opposite direction with the others following us, frowning I look back at the house.

Reaching a new area he sits me down chuckling "What were you planning to do?"

"Either lick her or grab her necklace, I'm unsure it depended on if she helped me get to Christina Ricci"

"You were going to rob her" Victoria demands glaring at me.

"Would you prefer I grabbed her tits or ass?" I ask like I'm confused.

Turning to Ruth I point at her taking a deep breath "Who the hell was Jack the Ripper?"

"A vampire"


"Why does it matter?"

"Because it's one the most famous unsolved murders in history and I want to know"

"A woman"

"Are you fucking kidding me a woman was buying working girls?"

"No you dumbass, she lured us in I went because she offered money and booze for the housework"

"Housework?" I demand.

"She was a midwife, it was good money and I could steal things while I worked and sell them"

"No, the world's most famous killer was a fucking female vampire why the fuck was she mutilating the bodies and taking stuff and why did they have blood left?"

"She was blood drunk and just sadistic"

"How did you survive?" I demand.

"By accident, I taught myself everything"

Huffing I turn walking back the way we came but Jane grabs me pulling me to follow the others "I wanna play with the bloody countesses" I whine.

"No now let's go, we need to find a place to stay"

"We could have stayed with her I could have talked her into it but no you all wanted away from her she's a famous killer in history, I had a chance to speak with her and learn all about her"

"Bella you will not be making friends with Serial killers"

"All of you minus Rose and Glory could be seen as serial killers, how many people have you killed since the dinosaurs were stomping around the damn Earth"

"We are not that old" they all shout glaring at me and then Rose.

"Don't look at me, that's all you're doing with raising that girl she's completely insane and has creepy obsessions with serial killers, old insults, and licking people" Rose says looking at her nails.

Laughing I skip off ahead of them "Hey can we go to that Lizzie chick's house?" I ask suddenly.

"Who?" Victoria asks frowning.

"She wants to go to the chick that killed her parents with an axe they turned the place into a bed and breakfast or something" Becca says laughing.

The witch twins mates (Edited Jun. 27. 2024)Where stories live. Discover now