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Sitting in a house abandoned stash house I stand looking out the window with Jane by me "Vampires coming" She whispers seeing the sun setting before everyone in the group rushes to the window watching.

I frown seeing a cowboy and two cowgirls stopping a distance away Tanya nods to us opening the door, as we walk out knowing this area is abandoned.

Stopping a few feet from them Tanya stands in front as leader "We are just passing through we will be gone once it's dark".

"This is why you brought us here?" One of the women scoffs glaring at the guy.

"I told you we needed to come here"

I frown looking at the three who met us "Why do you look familiar" I say out loud looking to Becca who shrugs "They don't to me, must be someone you met before without me".

The tall female looks at me frowning while the guy talks "Peter shut up" she orders looking at me frowning "She looks like my lost girl all grown up".

Leah moves in front of me crossing her arms and growling slightly "Oh look a puppy" she says giggling.

"She's not a damn puppy" I snarl darting around Leah getting caught by Tanya who pushes me back to Jane "Keep a hold of her".

"Why are you running around with three newborns?" the woman asks frowning.

"They wanted to explore the world with their mates and sister I'm along to help keep them under control and stay with my mate" Tanya says calmly.

"I'm Ruth, this is Peter and his mate Charlotte" the tall cowgirl says.

"Tany, my mate Leah, Becca and Bella with their mates, and Glory Bella's friend" she says motioning to us.

"The feisty one looks like an older version of a girl we found lost" Charlotte says smiling.

"I'll put my damn boot up your ass" I hiss.

"That is her" Peter says smugly.

Both females roll their eyes before looking at Tanya "Why are you out here near our territory?" Ruth asks.

"Like I said newborns wanted to explore the world we are just leaving Mexico"

"You passed threw Maria's territory?" Charlotte asks looking worried.

"We did and Bella tried to keep her as a pet before throwing her and promising to play with her later"

Jane releases me while holding my arm and adjusting her hood to keep her face hidden "Maria came by asking us to help with a fight, I'd watch your back you may have pissed her off" Peter says.

"She's gathering help for us" I grunt.


"The Cullens have been harassing us since before we were turned and plan to kill my family and force me to be with that little bitch Edwin or whatever her name is" I hiss "That empath Jasper is helping them train an army to do it and someone is controlling the Volturi I'm pretty sure it's connected to the Cullens too".

"Why would they do that?" Peter asks looking doubtful.

"Because I was Edwin's singer but he claimed I was his singer and mate Alice has convinced everyone it's true and that I need to be taken from my family, so I'll be with him even planning to kill my twin if needed while forcing our sister Leah back to her old pack because the alpha wants her back to torment"

Ruth frowns looking at Peter "We both know a singer can't be a mate it goes against our very nature".

"I just don't see Jasper doing this" he says shaking his head.

"You know how he is, he follows orders he doesn't think for himself and his mate is the boss, if she tells him to do something he will do it to make her happy" Charlotte says glaring at him.

I snarl looking at Peter and send him to the ground screaming, they all look between us trying to figure out what happened and who did it.

"Enough" Tanya orders not naming me or Jane knowing it's one of us.

I huff glaring at Ruth as she laughs looking at Peter "I don't think she's okay with you basically calling her a liar about the Cullens".

"So what's the plan you have?" She asks looking at me.

"Have you met a dream walker or someone able to astral project?" I ask ignoring her question.

"Yes" she says slowly.

"Who? I need to find them for help with something important" I say then frown looking at her and tilt my head "Teach me how it works without sleeping" I order.

"What?" She says frowning.

"You dream walk, he just knows shit, she can identify criminals on sight I need to figure out how to control dream walking"

"How do you know that I can?" She demands.

"I started knowing shit like an instinct telling me where to go or what to do I came in contact with him at some point, a few days before I got lost following the instinct after that I ended up dream walking, and could tell who was bad on sight, the same instinct that told me to avoid the Cullens at all cost now how the fuck do I dream walk without sleeping"

"What exactly is your gift?" Charlotte asks wide-eyed.

"I'm like copy and paste, I copycat gifts and share them with my sister unknowingly you three gave me my first gifts outside my sister, I didn't even know what was happening now how does it work" I demand.

"You used a power similar to Jane from the Volturi" Charlotte says frowning.

"I can do Alec too if you want a try" I hiss "I need to know how this works so will you help or am I going to have to force you?"

"I'll help but how do you have their gifts?" Ruth says calmly.

"What kinda copycat would I be if I didn't know how to copy my mate and brother-in-law" I snap.

"Damn it I'm hungry, I'll deal with this after I eat" I snarl darting off with Jane following me and bringing Glory

"Hey lost girl what up" Ruth calls chasing after us.

Glancing back I bare my teeth at her before looking ahead of us "What Ruth?" I snap.

"Peter will side with Jasper he has a loyalty to him, Charlotte won't I don't believe they are mates" she says following us.

"I know and they aren't she didn't get upset or mad about him being hurt it's just two people together to avoid loneliness"

The witch twins mates (Edited Jun. 27. 2024)Where stories live. Discover now