chapter fourteen

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Third POV

At 4:30 am, the day had commenced, and Seungcheol was expected to join Woozi and Minghao in preparing breakfast. The cabin's occupants grew curious about his whereabouts.

"Wake up Coups hyung, Shua hyung. We need to start, and I'm getting hungry. At this rate, I might start eating Soonyoung over here." Grumbled Woozi, his irritation growing with Seungcheol's absence.

"It's unusual for Coups hyung not to be the one waking us up," observed Jun.

"I suppose last night's events might be influencing his behavior." Speculated Minghao, resting his head on Jun's shoulder.

"Come on, Soonyoung and Seokmin, let's go wake him up," Joshua suggested, leading the way upstairs with the two following closely behind.

"Before anything else, let's go check on Jeonghan 'cause I didn't spot him downstairs," Joshua suggested, reaching the front door of Jeonghan's room. Inside, the trio found an empty space, and a twinge of worry set in as they realized Jeonghan was nowhere to be seen.

"We gotta let the big bro know, especially 'cause Han is MIA too." Soonyoung stressed, his voice tinged with concern.

Moments later, they all huddled outside Seungcheol's room. Without thinking twice, they swung open the door and were met with a sight that left Seokmin and Soonyoung wide-eyed, hands instinctively covering their mouths. Meanwhile, Joshua's face showed a mix of shock and concern.

As the door swung open, their eyes were met with the sight of Jeonghan and Seungcheol wrapped in an intimate embrace on the bed, their closeness so profound that they seemed like a single entity. Reacting quickly, they shut the door, freezing as they faced the now closed entrance.

"None of you. Seriously. Not a single word about what you just saw in this room, for now. I'll handle Coups." Joshua ordered, his tone carrying a heavy seriousness. The two were so stunned by the scene that they couldn't offer a proper verbal response; instead, they simply nodded in silent agreement.

Heading downstairs, Joshua took charge, letting the group know he'd be taking over Seungcheol's breakfast duties. He played it off, mentioning that the eldest wasn't feeling too great this morning.

Seungcheol's POV

I rolled out of bed at around 6:30 am, realizing I was behind schedule. Quickly glancing at my phone, I spotted a message from Woozi.

Woozi: "Hey hyung, get well soon. Joshua's taken over your breakfast duty. Hope you can catch up with the morning mass. Take it easy, hyung."

"Hey angel, wake up," I whispered softly, gently shaking Jeonghan, who was beside me. He grumbled and hugged me, burying his face beneath my neck.

"Just give me five more minutes, please." Jeonghan mumbled, his voice barely audible. Despite wanting to linger in bed with him, I knew I had to get ready for mass.

"Come on, freshen up. They're probably looking for you since you missed breakfast." I urged, planting a kiss on the top of his head.

"Damn it. See you in church, daddy." he suddenly exclaimed, sitting up abruptly and making a beeline for the door. His quick movements intrigued me. However, he stopped abruptly at the door, dashed back to me, and planted a swift morning kiss on my lips.

"I can't leave without giving my daddy a quick good morning kiss." he quipped before darting to the door again. I grabbed his arm, halting him in his tracks.

"Let's just skip it." I suggested, pulling him under me, so now I was on top of him. Jeonghan chuckled playfully.

"We can't do that." He teased, his tone suggestive.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 05 ⏰

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