chapter twelve

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Jeonghan's POV

"Who the fuck told you I'm done with you?" Seungcheol's voice resonated through the dimly lit living room. I startled in my spot, instinctively grasping onto the nearest presence, which happened to be none other than Kim Mingyu. His arms enclosed around my slender waist, a clear indication of how frightened I had become.

"Did you two have a good time? Returning home close to midnight without sending any of us a message." Seungcheol's voice carried irritation. The lampshade flickered to life, revealing Seungcheol's thoroughly annoyed expression. His gaze bore into me intensely, as if it were scorching my very being, consuming me whole. A shiver ran down my spine as I absorbed his presence. At this moment, I preferred to avoid facing him; I was uncertain about the best approach.

"What? Are you suddenly speechless when I catch the two of you holding hands?" Seungcheol remarked, rolling his eyes in exasperation.

"Seungcheol, I apologize for coming home late. We didn't realize how late it had become." I replied softly, deliberately ignoring his question.

"That's rather amusing, Jeonghan. Are you now whoring yourself so readily?" He laughed while speaking, his words slicing through me. I was utterly demoralized by his choice of words. My gaze dropped, tears clouding my vision. How could he talk to me like this?

"Hey man, don't be a prick. Don't talk about Jeonghan like that." Mingyu intervened, pushing me protectively behind him.

"Besides, I doubt you know him as well as you think you do." He added with a knowing smirk, deliberately provoking Seungcheol. Seungcheol rose to his feet, confronting Mingyu with a stare that dripped with sheer animosity.

"You don't know shit, Mingyu." Seungcheol growled.

"Heh, I beg to differ, hyung. I know plenty. Like your fondness for Jeonghan, even though you're destined to become a priest like your father. I wonder how the pastor would react to that." Mingyu taunted, a smirk playing on his lips. Seungcheol grabbed Mingyu's polo shirt, crumpling the fabric in his grip.

"Listen, tough guy, if you want a peaceful time here, mind your own damn business. And speaking of me in that manner is crossing the line. Watch yourself." Seungcheol's irritation grew, his voice almost reaching a yell.

"Both of you, stop it." I interjected, my voice shaking as I tried to diffuse the escalating tension.

"Seungcheol, you don't intimidate me. Stop acting like a jealous jerk. Jeonghan isn't your possession." Mingyu retorted, pushing the other back and causing him to stumble.

"And you think he was yours to begin with?" Seungcheol shot back.

"Oh please! Wait till you hear that I was fucking your little toy before you did." Mingyu sneered at Seungcheol. Shock etched itself on my face as I stared at Seungcheol, who looked back at me with a mixture of sadness and confirmation. He averted his gaze from me, directing a frigid stare at Mingyu. I watched as Seungcheol's fists clenched, and he began to stride purposefully towards Mingyu. He lunged at him and delivered a powerful punch, the sound echoing in the room followed by a pained scream.

"YOU ARROGANT BASTARD! YOU WALTZ INTO MY CABIN AND BEHAVE LIKE THIS!?" My jaw dropped in disbelief at the unfolding scene. Seungcheol swiftly followed up with another punch.

"Seungcheol! What the hell!" I cried out, rushing over and attempting to pry Seungcheol off Mingyu.

"Maybe you should pull your head out of your ass, then perhaps you can earn my respect." Mingyu taunted, his laughter intermingling with the blows he was taking.

"CAN BOTH OF YOU PLEASE STOP!" I sobbed, utterly mortified by the spectacle.

"DO YOU REALLY THINK YOU CAN OUTSMART ME, MINGYU!? YOU AIN'T SHIT." Seungcheol's grip on Mingyu's neck tightened. Mingyu retaliated with a punch to Seungcheol's ribs, leaving him breathless. Mingyu managed to crawl away, gasping for air.

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