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Curiosity killed the cat

On Saturday morning, the ones who slept in late hurried to grab breakfast before it was too late, some still in their pyjamas. The conversations echoed through the hall, glimpses of dialogue making their way around, while Gwen listened to Dorcas' rant about Marlene McKinnon and her irritating attitude.
The blonde sipped on her coffee, still trying to figure out how the topic of ice cream flavours could strain out to this. Perhaps it was the sweet smell of vanilla in Marlene's perfume she was thinking of. At least it was the only connection she could come up with.

"I can't hear it anymore," Emmeline Vance hissed. To her unliking, she sat right next to the brunette. "Don't you have more important things to worry about? Like the strategies for the upcoming game?"

"I'm the captain of the team, I make strategies whenever I feel like it," Despite being on the same team and sharing a dorm room for five years, they never did learn to like each other. "And why don't you just sit somewhere else if you're so bothered by our choice of conversation?"

"Trust me, if there was a free seat away from you two, I would've gladly taken it."

"Conversations with you are always so delightful, Vance," Gwen rolled her eyes, sharing a glance with Dorcas just in time for the Owls to bring in the mail.
Quite a few landed on the various tables. Many students attempted to shield their plates from the feathers. Regulus, who sat a few seats away from Gwen was heard crying out in surprise when an owl, who targeted the wrong table, let a large package fall right on his plate, covering him in hot tea and the remainder of his pudding.

Gwen looked out for the familiar family owl, hoping to receive a letter of sorts.

While she wanted to wait until winter break to tell her parents the news, she couldn't refrain from writing to them that very day. However, when the owls flew out again, the blonde was left without a message of sorts.

"I can't," Dorcas snorted, not even attempting to hold back her laughter when Regulus walked past them. "It even reached the hair."

"That's not remotely funny," Emmeline argued, annoyed at the extensive movements the brunette made while laughing. She attempted to lean far enough away to avoid being touched. "He could've gotten hurt. Then we would need a new chaser."

"Yeah, hurt from tea and pudding. The main reason for missing limbs and sudden deaths." Dorcas joked, her gaze landing on Gwen who barely broke half a smile. She noticed the lack of mail her friend received, which wasn't anything unusual between the monthly letters, but this time, the blonde was so sure of it. "You should wear something cute tonight."

"What? Why?" Gwen questioned. The distraction accomplishing its intended goal.

"You're going to the Sluclub." Dorcas exclaimed. "And so is Connor Abernathy." She leaned forward. "Then you can make the rumours real, eventually."

"Stop," Gwen's cheeks grew red. "I didn't work so hard to get into the Slugclub to get a date."

"I know, but why not go for it while you're at it? Not everyone gets to spend a whole evening with the person they fancy."

Gwen rolled her eyes, yet they did glance over at the Ravenclaw table where the golden boy sat surrounded by his mass of friends. Connor Abernathy was everything a dream boy needed to be (according to Bertha Jorkins and her rules of school crushes).
He was smart but not in a condescending way, and he was kind as much as he was respectful without losing a certain wit, which was seen as an essential personality trait. He was crowned with the title of best dressed with the greatest hair, which always seemed to fall perfectly into place. He was active in countless school clubs, not at last, the school choir, which had never seen such demand before.

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