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"Meet me at midnight," Remus read the request Justus made in his letter. It was quite the act to find the boy within the crowd of students, but eventually, they were seated under the stands where no one would hear or see them. "That means he probably knows what Under the North Bridge of Pyrmond means. I'm sure it's a place. Otherwise, he could've just told us the meaning,"

Remus halted, taking a look at Gwen, who had her head peeking out to get a glimpse of the game. She listened in on what the speakers said, a slight head start of points for Ravenclaw, but no sighting of the Snitch yet.

"Hey!" The boy gently kicked her ankle so she would direct her attention back toward him. "You pulled me from my seat, and now you don't even listen. Do you have the file? I want to show some parts to Justus to see if he knows any more about it."

"Sorry," Gwen kicked him right back, searching her purse for the file. Her heartbeat set out for a moment when she found it replaced with her notes for Arithmancy. "I must have grabbed the wrong one,"

"You left it in your room? What if Emmeline decides to search it again? Who knows what game she's playing,"

"Emmeline is seeking the Snitch right now. I doubt she will have the time to go and get it," At that very moment the speakers announced the sighting of the Snitch, causing both of them to leave the cover and peek around the stands.
"Come on, Vance," She muttered as the black-haired girl shot after the small golden object.

The Ravenclaw seeker was fast, but Emmeline Vance was a master of trick manoeuvres, quick turns, and skilful techniques. She rushed low to the ground, the ends of her broom causing clouds of dust to take the Ravenclaw's sight before risking a shortcut through a wooden construction right by the speakers and finally, with a quick reach of hand, she held the Snitch up above her head fetching the victory for Slytherin.

Gwen shouted inaudibly over the loud noises from the stands. She flung her arms around Remus in a matter of excitement. They almost fell from jumping, and the boy was glad no other Gryffindor would see the treacherous celebration he shared with the enemy.

Gwen walked to the field where a large group of people crowded around the team. The blonde held her eyes out for familiar faces, finding Avery in a forced group hug with Mulciber, Evan, and even Severus, who was fighting harshly against the tight grips. She could see Connor Abernathy and the other beater of Ravenclaw congratulate their opponents on the win, and finally, Regulus, who was bursting of excitement. She went to hug her younger cousin, faintly hearing about his next goal, which was to win against Sirius and the immediate response of said older brother as he ridiculed the possibility.

"Hey, have you seen Dorcas?" She questioned, but the brunette had disappeared from the crowd along with another team member. The latter of which caused fright to grow along her spine. "The file!"

Gwen pushed her way through the field before running to the castle and down to the dungeon. She cursed herself for being so careless, taking two steps at one. If Emmeline did plan on searching her room, which was not too far of a possibility, this would be the perfect opportunity. And Gwen hated herself for not thinking of it earlier.
Her lungs were aching by the time she climbed the spiral staircase up to her dorm room. She cursed her bad habits to take the capacity of her stamina. She reached the room, and just as she thought, Emmeline was already inside.

The black-haired girl sat on the chair by her desk, still in Quidditch attire and sweaty hair that stuck to her skin. "I was expecting you." She said lowly with a calculated lack of emotions on her face. "But I guess you were a little distracted under the stands, weren't you?"

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