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"Since this is the last time, we will have the pleasure to be in this classroom together this year, I have come to decide that we will do something fun today," Professor Tilney began the last mixed Defence against the Dark Arts lesson. She would leave Hogwarts early for an important family matter. All pillows they were usually seated on were replaced by countless stations, it seemed. Each part of the enlarged room had a different obstacle in need of resolving. "It also will work as a way to give you a taste of what your exam will look like."

"I hate this school," Evan muttered under his breath. Gwen elbowed his arm, not having to wait long for a reaction as both twins ended up rubbing their arms in pain.

The blonde glanced around the room. It was once again perfectly divided in Slytherin on one side and Gryffindor on the other.

"As you can see, I have prepared different stations for you to work on. All of them are things you have or should've learned this year." The woman smiled brightly. "In teams of four, I want you to go from station to station and solve the riddles. You should be able to do so with everything you've learned so far."

Almost immediately after mentioning the groups, a majority of students' heads went to look for their friends in clarification of teamwork. Gwen agreed to the silent request of Issa Yaxley, who already had one arm wrapped around Helena Greengrass.

"And before you stop listening to me entirely to find your friends," Tilney remarked when Mulciber and Avery pulled Evan and Severus into formation (much to an audible protest). "The groups will be decided by the paper you pick." The many small snippets became audible as she moved a glass bowl in her hands.

One by one did the students from both Houses walk toward her to pick their destiny. Loud groans of displeasure heard when best friends were ripped apart to work with strangers.

Gwen opened her snippet to find a red half-moon on it. She looked at the other bearable options inside this room, even those she would usually avoid. But Issa and Helena had green triangles, Evan had a blue circle, Mulciber and Severus had a yellow sun, and Avery was grouped by a violet heart. The blonde closed her eyes, for once in her life hoping to be grouped with a bunch of Gryffindors like Lily, Mary or Marlene, but her luck was drained as only three other students were left out.

"I still don't believe in destiny," Emmeline scoffed as they came to stand together. She had her arms crossed. The snippet crumbled up on the floor.

"Then we have one thing in common," Remus sighed. He smiled weakly at Gwen, and earlier, he had even waved to greet her in the hallway. He was back to normal, just severely exhausted by the looks of it. He glanced toward Dorcas, a great amount of mistrust in his eyes only growing with every time the brunette made an attempt to approach a conversation with Gwen.

The stations were fun to work on, which is why Gwen hated how stiff and cold they were to each other. The first one took the longest as none of them said a word. They all thought for themselves until Emmeline eventually attempted a few of her ideas until one was the right fit. The second and third were a little better as Remus began to find a liking in being faster than the girl to find the right answer.

Dorcas was great in the fourth one when it came to a duelling spell they learned a few weeks ago. Her aim was fantastic and made them solve the quest faster than any of the other groups.

"The next one is about curses," Remus read from the card on their fifth station. "The answer to this quest is found in the defence of the three unforgivable curses."

"I thought you couldn't defend against those?" Emmeline muttered. She took the card from the boy to see if he misread the task.

"Perhaps a safety spell?" Dorcas guessed. "Like protego?"

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