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The weather cleared up a little for the trip to Hogsmeade. Small peeks of sunlight even worked their way through the grey clouds. The air was fresh, and everything was covered in rime when Gwen and Dorcas went on their way in the early morning.

It was a simple matter of efficiency. This way, they could storm the shops, which were always full during the day, while other students were still sleeping or enjoying breakfast. Not at last, it also aligned with Gwen's plans of meeting with Justus later in the day.

Their strategy was made up through long observations over the years. The first stop was Sprintwitches Sporting Needs, which Dorcas stormed with a livelihood that was only heightened by the emptiness of the usual full shop. She left with an overpriced broom wax (it promised to be slightly better than the last) and other few 'essential' equipment.

Gwen forced them to halt at Scrivenshaft's Quill shop, her eyes wide at the many exemplars she swore were different from one another.

"What do you need so many Quills for?" Dorcas shook her head, hearing a similar sentence from a different group of girls just a few meters away. Her eyes grew wide when she met the gaze of Marlene McKinnon, who accompanied Lily Evans and Mary Macdonald. The blonde Gryffindor was marked with a similar expression on her fine features.

"Is that even a question-" Gwen began, stuck on the blush growing on her friend's cheek before finding the cause for it rather quickly. With a smirk, she nudged Dorcas before approaching the group. "Hey Lily, I'm glad to see you understand the importance of Quills."

"Of course, I do," The redhead shared a look between Marlene and Dorcas, now nudging her friend as well. "Marls here hates this shop because she thinks they're all the same anyway."

"Sounds familiar," Gwen laughed, and if looks could kill, Dorcas would've burned her to ashes with the glare on her face.

"Because they are," Marlene argued. Her eyes fell on Dorcas rather often during the brief conversation. "I see you bought some new equipment, Meadowes. Won't help you against us, of course."

"We don't need help. Our skill will speak for itself." The brunette snarled, her voice a little higher than usual. "And don't worry, losing our bet is nothing you need to be ashamed of. Although I guess you had enough time to prepare for that since it began."

"We will slaughter you on the field, and I can't wait for it," Marlene smirked. Their eyes darted one another with rivalry until it softened. An accident which made them turn on their heels and pull their friends to opposite corners of the shop.

Gwen's lips held an amused look. The truth behind their feud finally dawning on her.

"Are you going to tell me about her, or should I speculate?" She questioned. A wide grin plastered on her face.

"I will kill you and your family," Dorcas hissed. The embarrassment was visible with every inch of her body.

"She's cute," Gwen pushed it a little further, deciding to buy both Quills instead of choosing between them. "You two would make an adorable couple."

"She's the enemy!" The brunette pointed her finger warningly to the blonde's face. "From now on, hanging out with Gryffindors is considered treason."

To Dorcas' unliking, her rule held no real significance to anyone. Proven as they walked past quite a few members of her team strolling around with Gryffindors. The beaters were currently busy enjoying their time with the enemy in Madam Puddifoot's Tea shop (which was the number one spot for smooching couples), the second chaser was holding hands with her long-time enemy girlfriend, and just as they made their way to Gladrags Wizardwear, they ran into Regulus and Sirius.

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