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There were two ways to get information on a wizard who used to attend Hogwarts.
One would be to dig up the legacy they left behind. A photo in Slughorn's office, a dusty trophy or medal in the hallways, or in certain cases of stardom, even the years-old rumours left behind.

Gideon and Fabian Prewett, for example, two Gryffindors most famously known for their spectacular pranks (Sirius and his friends idolized their every step) continued to live on in countless stories. Whether it was a short anecdote from a teacher or the infamous jump off the Astronomy Tower. In Hogwarts, they were forever remembered.

Gwen hoped to find even the smallest of mention left of Ivan Bennett as well. Maybe an exceptionally good Essay framed on the wall in the classroom for Mugglestudies or even just a scraped-in name next to the entrance of the Ravenclaw common room as it was a long lively tradition of their House.

But the Auror left nothing behind that lasted. No memory and no legacy she could research.

Something that forced her into the second option. The Archives of Hogwarts. Every student to ever attend the magical school, no matter how briefly, was noted in their very own file. Depending on your achievements or in some cases long lists of rule-breaking, it was thicker or thinner, filled with every small grade, earn and loss of House points, and even an individual evaluation letter of your Head of House you could use for future reference.

Of course, this archive was strictly inaccessible to students with the only existing keys belonging to the headmaster and the librarian.

To steal it from Dumbledore would've been foolish and far too dangerous in regard to the possible punishment she would receive in case she was caught.

Stealing from Madam Pince, on the other hand, while still risky and in Gwen's case morally disheartening, was a lot easier goal to reach.

The blonde's plan was fairly easy on paper. From years of spending her days in the library, Gwen was more than familiar with the routines and habits of the woman. Especially with the deep-rooted love for Quidditch as they had indulged in quite a few conversations about it.
And to Gwen's luck, the first Quidditch game of the season was just around the corner.

The stands were filled with crowds of students and teachers as they awaited the players to come out on the field and begin the match. This year, Hufflepuff against Gryffindor made the start, parting the crowds in red and yellow supporting colours. Gwen sat next to Dorcas and Regulus. The younger boy was forced to hold a quill and parchment with the task of writing down anything his captain told him to.

"Not to question your choices, Dorcas, but what purpose does this have again?" Regulus asked. He shook his hand in cramping pain.

"They're two-thirds of our enemies." The brunette explained, a binocular pressed against her eyes. "You have to know your enemy to destroy them, Reg." She turned to look at him. "That was good. Write it down."

Gwen held back a grin, observing Ms Pince as she was sitting on a nearby seat. The trumpets began to signal the beginning of the game, and soon enough, every single pair of eyes except for one was glued to the players on their brooms.

"I'll be right back." The blonde muttered, but the two next to her didn't register her words as Dorcas basically screamed an endless stream of words into the boy's ear.

She climbed down the stairs, over to the ones where Pince was. The woman looked youthful in the way she jumped up and down when the first goals were made.

"...Sirius Black tries for the Quaffle and... TEN POINTS FOR GRYFFINDOR!" The narrator screamed through the speakers, and Gwen slipped into the space under the seats.

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