Nyla's Wedding

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Tim stepped on the venue and saw that it was beautiful. He arrived late due to a late call. He walked over to Angela who was sitting down.

"Hey, sorry I'm late," Tim started before having a conversation with Angela.


As Tim was talking to Angela, he saw a beautifully dressed Lucy. Angela who saw the heart eyes he's giving towards a direction she looked over, not too surprised it was Lucy. Without a excuse Tim made his way towards Lucy.

"You know, I still owe you a dance."

"A debt is owed." Lucy blushed.

Tim held his hand out, and Lucy took it. They were dancing a little close for 'just friends'. Lucy laid her head on Tim's chest, as they sway to the music.

Grey and Luna was on the dancefloor swaying to the music when Luna pulled away. She lifted her hand and pointed towards Tim and Lucy.

"Hun, look at them, they look so cute."

"They are cute together."

Angela who saw the couple standing and not dancing looking at something, came over.

"What's wrong?"

Luna pointed towards Chenford.

"Oh my god."

Angela let out a silent scream and gestured her husband to come over.

"What's up?"

"Chenford in action." Angela pointed towards Chenford.

"Here come the newly Weds!" Nolan shouted out gaining the attention of everyone.


"Fancy another dance?" Tim held his hand out.

"Another one? Hmm, I'll be a stupid to not except it."

Lucy grabbed his hand and pulled him onto the dancefloor. Tim placed his hands on Lucy's waist and she wrapped her arms around his neck. They began swaying to the sound of music.


"Yes, my recently married friend?"

"Look!" Nyla pointed towards Chenford.

"Guys!" Angela motioned Mid-Wilshire's finest to gather around her.

"What's up?" Nolan asked with a intrigued look.

Angela and Nyla pointed towards the dancing couple. Everyone jaw slacked open.

"Another one? Damn they're in love." Grey was surprised.

"Alright lets get a plan set up shall we?" Angela motioned everyone to get into a circle.

As they're discussing a plan, they hear a sudden roar of laughter coming from the couple. They see Tim laughing his brains out and Lucy putting her hand on his chest, the laughter slowly dies down but picks back up when they look at each other again.

"Damn Lovebirds, okay back to the plan, so who's in favor of going to Nolan's house say I." Angela says.

"I." The group says.

"Tough Nolan looks like we're all going."


2hrs later.

Tim and Lucy was sitting down at the bar talking, Angela walked up to them with Nyla, Nolan, Aaron, Grey, Luna, Bailey, Wesley, James.

"Hey you two, we're heading over to Nolan's wanna come?"

Tim and Lucy exchanged looks then back to Angela.

"Sure." The two say.


Tim and Lucy stood up and followed the group. Tim and Lucy got into Tim's truck.

"Do we tell them?"

"Tell them what Luce? We got so many secrets."


They made their way to Nolan's. During the ride there Tim placed his hand on Lucy's.

Tim pulled into the side and parks. The others follow suit parking their vehicles. Getting out of the Truck, Tim made his way to the passenger princess and opened her door.

"Ooh, what a gentleman."


"So what are we doing here?"

"Celebrating the newly married couple, Tim. So who wanna play truth or dare?"

"Me!" The group says.

Tim and Lucy exchanged looks knowing exactly why they're doing this.

They all sit down on the floor with beers in most of their hands. Angela started.

"Okay I'll start first. Wesley Truth or dare."


"Oh you pussy, it is true that you love me?"


"Okay next, Lucy."

Lucy smirked, her victim, Tim Bradford.

"Tim, truth or dare?"


"Hmm, I dare you to take your shirt off."

Tim chocked on his beer and his eyes widened, he gave Lucy a 'are you kidding me ' look.

"Excuse me?"

"You heard. Do it."

"Is this for personal gain?"

"I don't know."

Tim lifted his shirt over his head revealing his muscular body. Tim was now regretting his decision to pick dare.

"Next, uh Nyla."

Ooh Nyla's gonna have fun with this, her victim, The currently shirtless Tim Bradford.

"Ok Tim, truth or dare."

"Oh for god sake, I feel targeted,"

"Oh it is, now truth or dare."


"Ohhh your bold. I DARE YOU TO KISS LUCY."

Tim and Lucy eyes widened. Tim rubbed his eyebrow with his middle finger directed towards Nyla.

Lucy who was beside Tim, looked at him. Tim pecked her on her cheek.

"There happy?"

"Nope but good enough. Uhh Luna."

"Now, Like Nyla said this is targeted. Tim sorry not sorry."

"Oh wow."

"Truth or dare."


"You know if you keep doing dares some stuff are going to happen. Back to it, I dare you to date Lucy."

Now Tim was shocked, but they all are gonna be the shocked ones.

"Now, it might seem crazy what I'm bout to say. But we're already dating." Tim said the last part softly.

"Oh how the table has turned." Lucy says giving Tim a kiss.

The group was now shocked. They didn't expect this. The girls squeeled in happiness, their dreams came true.

"How long??" Nyla was interested.

"About 2 months." Tim answered.

"And you didn't tell us!" Angela snapped.

"Crap now the plan is ruined." Grey said.

-End- :)

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