Prank Gone Wrong P2

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Tim's POV

I walk out the rolecall once its over, immediately my arm gets snatched to the side. "Why are you leaving Timothy?" Angela asked. "Because I don't want to face Lucy." I say. "It was a freaking prank Tim!" She said. "To be honest, I don't know what pranks are nowadays, but I know one thing. Im heart broken, again." I say. I walk away from her. "Are you being serious right now!" She said. I turn to face her. "YEA! I am being serious Lopez, I've been serious about this job, about Lucy, hell, I loved her, I was going to propose to her this very weekend! But that didn't come about did it." I say before turning around to the Weaponry. I get my stuff and headed out.

Lucy's POV.

Oh Shit. I fucked up. I heard what Tim said. I watch him get his equipment and head off, I stood behind the door of the rolecall room. My hands visibly shaking, my heart beating fast. "LUCY, LUCY" I hear someone call out. I look around, finding that Aaron was calling me with both of our war bags on his shoulders and shotgun's in hand.

"Are you okay Lucy?" Aaron asked as we got into the shop. "No." I say. "Want to talk about it." He said. "No." I say. We got on the road, we stopped at a red light. "So, why is Tim leaving?" He asked. "Because, we broke up." I say. "Woah, woah, you broke up? What! Why?" He said. "I pulled a prank, that was way out of line."


"ANY CARS IN THE VICINITY OF SILK AND CINDY IDENTIFY." I hear dispatch call out. "7-Metro-100." I say in my radio. "Copy 7-Metro-100, are you available for a call, sir." The Dispatcher says. "10-4." I say back. "Copy, Code 2 response, to Silk and Cindy, 3 Car MVA, LAFD requested LEO assistance for an uncompliant patient." The Dispatcher says. "Copy, show me enroute." I say back.

I arrive on scene, I positioned my car to block traffic. I start to walk up the road to the scene, I walk around an Fire Engine and see the suspect holding something and aiming it at a Firefighter, the firefighter's hands are up, I look cloesly and quickly see that it's a gun. I unholster my sidearm quickly, putting my sights on the suspect 10 meters away. I hold my arms still, I slowly squeezed the trigger, BANG, I discharged a round into the suspect. I see the suspect fall, that's my sign that the threat has been controlled. I take out my radio with my left hand and approached the suspect. "7-Metro-100 shots fired, one suspect down, get an RA started." I say in the radio.

I secure the suspect, and hand him off to the firefighters. After a while, a couple shops pulled up. Sergeant Grey stepped out of his Shop. "Last shift, and you're shooting people, should probably hide under a desk." Grey said.


Well there I was, in the break room, drinking Coffee while eating a donut. Usually I don't eat donuts unlike Smitty, but I just one tapped someone and I was hungry. I lean on the counter. After a while, I hear the door open, it's Lucy.

"Hey." I hear her say.

"Hey." I reply back.

"Are you okay?"


"Look, Tim. I'm so sorry, the prank was so out of line. Please Tim, I'm sorry."

"Lucy, I accept your apology."

"Really, does that mean we can get back together?"

"Lucy,... how do I say this. Lucy, you're trying to straighten a crushed piece of paper, with a clothing iron. It's not gonna work, especially when the piece of paper has been torn hundreds of times. You can't glue it together, so no."


"Lucy, you're either gonna hear from me or not." I say before heading out.

----Time Skip a day----

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 11 ⏰

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