Prank gone wrong P1

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Lucy's POV.

I'm kinda feelin cheeky today. Is exactly what I thought of when I woke up. Let's prank Tim today. I stood up from my bed and went straight to the bathroom. After a few minutes of hot shower I stepped out, towel wrapped around my upper body. I stepped out of the bathroom and heard the tv playing and Tim's shouting, is he seriously watching a recorded Ram's game? I quickly change.

I headed into the living room, there sat Tim. "Hey babe, when did you return home?" I say. "Just now." He say. "Well, we need groceries, soo wanna come?" I say. "Sure".

Tim's POV

We head into the store, picking a basket up. As we wander across the aisle we pass a fairly good-looking guy. Lucy halted. "Hey, imma find the pasta, can you find the sauce?" She say. "Yea." I say fairly quickly before I scurried off to find the sauce. I walk into a different aisle and quickly find the sauce, I started walking back to Lucy, but I saw her "talking" to the guy. Ooohh that hit me hard. Im not the type of person to get jealous but something about this is different. I walk up to them. "Here's my number, call me." I hear Lucy say in a flirtatious tone as I approached them. My entire demeanor changed , my mood is ruined. I walk pass Lucy. "Let's go." In a stern voice. "Oh, okay, I'll see you Pretty boy." I hear her say. Now my blood is boiling. We checked out and headed home.

In Lucy's apartment, I picked up my duffel bag, and started packing my clothes. Lucy noticed this.

"Babe, why are you packing?" Tim stayed silent.

"Hey, I'm talking to you."

"I'm heading to mine, I just can't with you." Tim answered.

"What! What did I do."

"Lucy, you flirted with some guy when I went to get the sauce. Sure if you want to flirt with other men, go ahead, but I'm not gonna be in the middle of this, so we're done.

"Wh- a-"

"NO, Right now I don't want to look at your or hear you. Everything we did, went out the window, everything we did and why we did it just gone." Tim interupted.

I finished packing and went straight out the door. Once I got into my truck, I took out my phone and changed Lucy's Name to Officer Chen. I went straight home.

Once I'm in the door, tears started damping my cheeks. I went straight to bed not even changing.

The next morning. I woke up still in clthes from yesterday, I checked my phone. 4.28 am, I headed to the shower, completely cleaning my body. I changed into new clothes and headed straight to Mid-Wilshire. Once there, I parked my truck and stepped out. The Graveyard Shift was still on duty so I headed to the Watch Commander's office. I opened the door. "Bradford, you're in early, how can I help you?" Sergeant Deen said. "Yes sir. I'm just here to get the station transfer form." I say. "Woah, station transfer, why, you love this station." He said as he pulled a piece of paper out and handed it to me. "I don't want to discuss it Sir." I say. "Ok, well, there's people here you can talk to. Look, I don't want you to go alright. Give this to Grey." He said. I nodded and went out.

Lucy's POV

I wake up, my pillow still damp from all the crying last night. I didn't know that it'll go this bad. I enter the bathroom and look in the mirror. My eyes red and swollen, my mascara ruined. I didn't even get the chance to take my makeup off. I get ready for shift, I look at the time, 6.12am.

I entered the station at 6.47am, I look over to my left and I saw Tim and Lieutenant Pine inside Grey's office, I keep my head low and went to the lockers.

I sit in the break room, my head hung low, my posture hunched worse than a dinosaur. I look over at the clock. 7.45am. I hear the door open, I look up to see Tim and Angela coming in chatting. As soon as he saw me, he stopped talking. I stood up and started to talk.

"Tim, I'm s-"

"No, I don't want to talk to you." He said grabbing the coffee pot and pouring his coffee. Angela watched in shocked. He immediately left, leaving Angela.

"What was that?" Angela started.

"We broke up."


"I did something stupid."

Grey's POV.

I'm in my office when I hear the door open. I look up and see Bradford and Lieutenant Pine. "Bradford, Lieutenant. How can I help you both?" I started. Tim handed me a station transfer form, his name on it and his requested station. I look up at him. "Son, are you sure?" I say. "Yes sir I'm sure." He said. "Why, Tim." I say. "Me and Lucy broke up, and I can't stand to even look at her." He said. "Im sorry Tim, want to talk about it?" I say and he shook his head. I sigh when I see that he wanted to be transferred effective immediately. "Okay, Tim, I'll pass this along." I say and I see him nod before exiting my office.


An hour goes by and rolecall is about to start, but then I get a email back from West LA Division Watch Commander's, saying that there is a open position there as Metro Liaison.

I walk into the rolecall room as other officer's take their seat's. I see Tim standing at his position and Lucy seating at the back, her head hung low. I start rolecall.

"Morning everyone, we have 4 new warrants, 2 BOLO'S, their all in your box, so check it out. News, Sergeant Hudson will be replacing Sergeant Bradford as Metro Liaison for Mid-Wilshire as Sergeant Bradford will be having his last shift with us before he's transferred to West LA. Say your goodbye's and wish him luck. Other then that, Offcer Chen you'll be riding with Thorsen. Dismissed" I announced. I turn to Tim, "You'll be reporting to Sergeant Brueson, tomorrow morning, it's been a pleasure working with you Sergeant Bradford." I say giving him a hug.

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