Nolan's Wedding

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Lucy entered the venue and smelled its beautiful aroma of flowers withering through the air. Angela wandered around frantically looking for something before heading towards Lucy.

"Lucy! Have you seen Tim, he's supposed to help me."

"Uhh no, but what did you need help with, I can help."

"I need help with pictures."

"Oh easy."

Both women head towards the photo booth.


30 minutes ago.

Tim's driving on the road when suddenly a dog ran Infront of Tim, making him swerve and flipping his truck. Luckily he didn't hit anyone or any vehicle. Tim got him winded when the airbags deployed. Tim adrenaline pumping, got his knife out and cut his seatbelt making him fall on his truck rooftop. Opening his driver door he crawled out.

"Well, I'm going to be late, atleast I didn't hit anyone."

"Sir are you okay!?" A man said.

"I'm alright."

"I called 911, help's coming soon."

"Oh boy."

4 minutes later.

Tim hears a familiar siren, The LAPD Siren.

The officer blocked the lane where Tim's overturned truck was and made his way towards Tim.

"Sergeant Bradford!?"


"Sir are you okay?"

"Im good Webb, just late."

Moments later a Fire Engine and an ambulance arrived.

The paramedics went towards Tim.

"Sir I need you to sit down."

"Im good, I'll be refusing care."

"Uhh, Okay atleast let us clean up the wounds."

Tim nodded.


"Gosh where is Tim at, the wedding is about to start in 10 minutes."

"I wish I could tell you Lucy."

"Uh Aaron, you're not helping. I've called him like 7 times and he didn't answer."

"He's probably late or something."

"And what if he's not, what if he's dead somewhere. He doesn't miss any call, especially from me."

"Uh okay, Lucy let's sit down."


The tow truck arrived and got his Truck on its bed.

"Well at least I can get a mustang now."

The Paramedic came with a piece of paper in his hand.

"I need you to sign this."

Tim signs it and the LAFD left, leaving Tim with no car. He got an idea.


"Yes sir."

"Can you give me a ride? Im late for a wedding."

"Yes sir."

12 minutes later.

Tim was now at the venue. He entered the hall.

"Speak now or Forever hold your peace." The priest say.

Someone stood up started to talk.

"Na uh, Don't even think about it." Tim interject, placing his hand on the person's shoulder and pushing him back into his seat.


"Sorry I'm late, flipped my truck." Directed towards the almost newlyweds.

Everyone seeing his state, started bickering. He's tuxedo completely battered and his face, there was only a cut on it.

"I refused help for this wedding so, your welcome."

Everyone started laughing. Tim made his way to the front row where Mid-Wilshire's finest and their family was seated. He took a sit next to Lucy.

"Tim are you okay?"

"Luce, I made my way here, I'm fine."

"You shouldn't had come."

"And miss out on a dance with you, not in a million years."

Lucy blushed while Aaron and Angela was completely shocked on what he said.

Pt 2 coming soon.

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