Nolan's Wedding P2

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"Umm, what did you say Timothy?"

"Uhh, Angela I didn't say anything that was directed to you."


Tim placed his hand on Lucy's, making her cheeks flush and a wave if electricity course through them both.


Music blares through the hall, and couples dance on the floors of the hall. Tim was seated on a stool, completely changed into a different suit, Lucy sat next to him, shot of tequila in-hand.

"I think you have something to ask me, Tim"

"Hmm I can't really remember."

"Dont make me touch you."

"Yup, still cant remember."

Lucy reaches over and grips his crotch. Tim who was definitely shocked by the sudden action, inhaled quickly, making his body stiff.

"Remember now?"


Lucy grips harder, making Tim become hard. Lucy feels the sudden bulgeness from his pants and smirks.

"You like it?"

"Oh, baby you dont know how much I love it."

"Hmm, you don't know how much I love you."

Tim faces Lucy, shocked to what she said. Feeling like she crossed so many lines, Lucy ungrips Tim, her hands residing next to her knees.

"Im sorry, I shouldn't of do...."

"I love you too."

Their eyes connect, everything in the venue completely disappearing, it was only them now. Their heads inched closer. Angela who was not so suspiciously hiding behind  her husband started recording.

"There you go, just one inch c'mon get closer."

Tim whispered something.

"I think I owe you dance."

With that Tim pulled away.

"YOU BIG PUSS- sorry..."

Angela shouted before apologizing, before Tim could turn his head, Angela had already scurried off with her husband in hand.

Angela approached the newlyweds and Mid-Wilshire's finest.

"Angela why did you shout for?"

"Sorry, it's just y'know chenford being stupid again."

"What did they do?"

"Oh y'know Nyla, the usual, they were so close to kissing then they pulled away."

"Angela that's not the usual, where are they?"

"Probably the dancefloor."

"Autobots Roll out."

"Shut up Aaron, but let's roll."

With Tim, Tim now has both his hands on Lucy's waist, her hands connected behind his neck. Their body swaying to the slow melody.

"Soooo.... wanna take it back to my place, hmm?"

"Not yet Tim. Do you know how long I've been waiting for this, me.... you.... 'us'.."

"Nope, how long?"

"Since forever...."

"Hmmmm... Okay I can't take it anymore."

"Take what?"


Tim crashed his lips onto her's. Tim's right hand starts to travel up her body landing on her cheek. His left hand starts to travel downwards, landing on her ass. Lucy moans in his mouth as his tounge travels around in her mouth.


Angela starts shouting gaining everyone's attention except from chenford, who was still kissing. Angela starts dancing, Nyla points towards the kissing couple. Now everyone starts clapping.

Now after 4 minutes of making out.

Tim pulled away, his smile reaching his wrinkled eyes. Lucy's smile also reaching her eyes. Tim looked to his right and back to Lucy, but took a double take when he sees everyone watching them, smiles on their faces.

"Finally you stopped, my face hurts."

"Sorry Angela, was too busy kissing my girlfriend.... or is it too soon?"

"It's too late, should've been your girlfriend 6 months ago."

"Ah well, is it too late to propose?"


"Shush Angela let them talk."

"Nope, sounds it's just about right."

"Well." Tim kneels down and takes out a velvet box, he opens it and reveals an engagement ring.

"Lucy Chen, You had made me the happiest person in the entire world for the past 6 months we've been together, I've waited for this moment for 6 months thinking about all of the alternate endings we could have, And the only person who I am in love with. That's you, Lucy Chen, Will you marry me?"

"YES, YES!" Tim slides the ring onto Lucy's ring finger. Perfect fit.

The onlookers looked shocked.


"Don't put your hair in a twist, Angela."

"Right, you didn't tell your best friend that you were dating your crush."

"Oops I didn't, my apologies."

"How dare you."

"Okay bye, bye we have to go on a date."

Part 3???

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