Chapter 6: There is something in these woods

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It has been several days since the Games have started and only one more person has died. The boy from District 3, Silver is surprised he lasted that long although she would never admit it out loud as she is sure that people have thought the same of her. Their food is growing low, and Silver is now starting to search in the woods for berries to eat, saving the heartier stuff for her allies despite their protests. "We should find the careers again." Theon says as he cuts through a path in the brambles, Cora rolls her eyes "We've been over this before Theo, it's too dangerous. They are too well provisioned." It's true, the last time that they saw the careers it seemed that they had a few sponsors to bless them with gifts. None of them were growing hungry, they probably hadn't known a hungry day in their lives Silver muses as she follows the other two through the woods.

Silver remembers when there was a time when her father was ill and couldn't go to work in the factories. They had almost starved to death when that happened, Mama had to sell a lot of her jewellery given to her by her parents as a wedding present to feed us and pay for her father's doctor. Just then, at the thought of food, her stomach rumbles and Cora rounds on her "Here, take this." She says offering her a slice of bacon that came in one of their packs. Silver shakes her head, waving her arms "I'm fine." She admits although she wants nothing more than to take it, Cora rolls her eyes again and shoves the bacon into her hand "You are no use to us starving Silver, if we are going to find the careers again, you need to be strong."

Silver takes the bacon and shoves it in her mouth, suddenly realising how hungry she is. Cora smiles weakly and hands her another piece, not fighting this time, Silver takes it and eats another piece. The sound of a gong goes off, signalling another tribute is dead making all three of them wince. "I vote we go back towards the Cornucopia, we passed a stream near there. If we stay close we can survive a few more days." Cora suggests. The twins look at Silver, the deciding vote yet again. She tucks a piece of her hair behind her ear and swallows hard, the salt from the bacon making her mouth dry. "The stream." She says, her voice breaking slightly. She curses herself for how weak she sounds, she can't be weak because when the number of enemies gets low, the twins will want to kill her.

Another canon goes off as they make their way to the stream and Silver winces at the sound. There is laughter nearby and the three of them freeze, sharing a look. Laughter in the Games can only mean one thing, the careers. There is rustling and Theon leaps into action, trying to move the girls into the bushes to hide, however, he doesn't manage to hide in time and the careers burst through the trees. "What do we have here?" The boy from District 1 says, a smirk spreading across his face, swinging the sword in his hand casually. Cora stiffens beside Silver and they both watch in silence, hiding in the bushes. Theon stands straight, clutching the axe in his hand so hard his knuckles are white.

"You're from 4 right?" The boy asks stepping forward, the other careers stay back, letting him have his fun. He looks around "Where's your sister? You didn't kill her earlier did you?" The District 1 boy asks and the girl from 2 giggles, coming forward now "Oh that's twisted 4. How'd you do it?" Theon stays silent, clutching the axe steadily despite his entire body shaking with nerves. Silver covers her mouth to keep from making a sound, afraid of the scene in front of her. "Are you mute 4?" the boy from 1 demands, becoming angry that he isn't getting the reaction he wants, Theo raises the axe and finally speaks "Are we going to talk all day or do what we are all in here to do?" He urges them.

Cora jolts and Silver shoots an arm out and stops the older girl from moving. Cora gives her a pleading look but Silver shakes her head slowly. They turn their attention back to Theon who is now fighting off the girl and boy from 1, the clashing of metal on metal filling the space. Theon gits his teeth as he swings his axe at the girl, cutting in her arm. She hisses and recoils in pain, glaring at him. But Theon can't even catch his breath as the boy from District 1 is on him, although at that moment Silver realises the boy and girl from 2 had disappeared. Theon shouts as he pushes the other boy away with the handle of his axe. The boy aims a kick at Theon's leg and he cries out in pain and falls to one knee.

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